Historical Psychology

This is my personal collection of content about the history of psychology

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All about psychology

All about psychology

This magazine tells you everything about psychology. In this wide content you can read about cognitions, leadership, sex, culture and more.

  • Psychological disorders
  • How do we grow up and how did psychology came to be?
  • How does thinking work?
  • Sex and psychology
  • Psychology and the culture we live in and how we behave and think in groups
  • Organisations
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What methods did Wundt use to study psychology?

What methods did Wundt use to study psychology?


Wundt used three methods to study psychology

  • Experimental method
    • Psychophysical methods to study the connection between physical stimuli and their conscious states
    • The measurement and duration of simple mental processes
    • The accuracy of reproduction in memory tasks
  • Introspection
    Self-observation under highly controlled circumstances
  • The historical method
    Studying the human mind by investigating the
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What are the four idols of Bacon?
What are the three main views in the mind-brain problem?
What conditions must be met to describe an action to free will?
What are Leibniz monad's?

What are Leibniz monad's?


Monads are (according to Leibniz) but energy-laden and soul-invested units. He believed there are four types of monads.

  • Simple monads
    The bodies of all matter
    Some type of unconscious and unorganized perception. They ware motivated by a tendency to keep in line with the existing, pre-established harmony of the universe.
  • Sentient monads
    Present in all
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On which four principles does science claim superiority of knowledge?

On which four principles does science claim superiority of knowledge?


Science’s claim of superiority was based on four principles

  •  Realism
    There is a physical world with independent objects, which can be understood by human intellect
  • Objectivity
    Knowledge of the physical world does not depend on the observer.
    ‘Objective’ agreement among people is possible, irrespective of their worldviews.
    • Science aims to uncover this knowledge so
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What are problems with the verification criterion in science?

What are problems with the verification criterion in science?


Verificationism states that a proposition is scientific only if it can be verified through objective, value-free observation
Problems with this are:

  • It is logically impossible to prove the truth of a conclusion on the basis of repeated observations.
  • Many scientific theories include non-observable variables.
  • Any dividing line between observable and non-observable ultimately turned out to be an
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What are the differences between realism and idealism?
What are the three forms of materialism?
What characteristics does a good counsellor have in the eyes of Carl Rogers?

What characteristics does a good counsellor have in the eyes of Carl Rogers?


A good counsellor in Rodger’s eyes was characterised by:

  • Unconditional positive regard
    The counsellor supports the client unconditionally and is non-judgmental
  • Emphatic understanding
    The counsellor ensures that he/she understands the client’s thoughts, feelings and meaning from the client’s point of view
  • Congruence
    The counsellor is genuine in his/her support and understanding, it is not a
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What are the seven demarcation criteria of science?

What are the seven demarcation criteria of science?


Science has seven demarcation criteria. These criteria are:

  • Verification
    The theory is shown in the outside world
  • Falsification
    The theory can be shown to be incorrect
  • Cumulative knowledge
    New knowledge is consistent with previous findings and theories
  • Clearly described methods
    Replication is possible
  • Clarity
    Unambiguous wording
  • Predictability
    No post hoc explanations
  • Knowledge can
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Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Understanding Plato and Aristotle
Kants view on the human mind and computers
History of brain research
Historical and conceptual issues in psychology, by Brysbaert, M and Rastle, K (second edition) - a summary

Historical and conceptual issues in psychology, by Brysbaert, M and Rastle, K (second edition) - a summary

This is a summary of the book: Historical and conceptual issues in psychology, by Brysbaert, M and Rastle, K. This book is about the history of Psychology and how now-day psychology came to be. The book is used in the course 'Foundations of psychology' at the second year of psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

Revolutions as Changes of World view, Thomas Kuhn - a summary

Revolutions as Changes of World view, Thomas Kuhn - a summary

Text Kuhn
Revolutions as Changes of World view

Paradigm changes cause scientists to see the world of their research-engagement differently.
As their only recourse to that world is through what they see and do, we may want to say that after a revolution scientists are responding to a different world.

At times of revolution, when the

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Using and finding summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter

There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.

  1. Starting Pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
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  4. Follow authors or (study) organizations: by following individual users, authors and your study organizations you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
  5. Search tool : 'quick & dirty'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject. The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages

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