Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland - Thema
Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland: startpagina's en uitgelichte bijdragen - Bundel

Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland: startpagina's en uitgelichte bijdragen - Bundel

Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland - Thema
Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland: uitgelichte ervaringen - Bundel
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Even op adem komen. Je bezinnen op wat je aan het doen bent, in je werkende leven, persoonlijk, of allebei. Je tempo naar beneden schroeven. Van de automatische piloot af. "De sabbatical", "het tussenjaar", "gapyear": er zijn verschillende termen voor de pauze die mensen zichzelf gunnen. Tijd hebben...

What is the mission, vision and concept of JoHo?

  Discover The World of JoHo..

  • What is the JoHo mission, vision and concept?
  • What is the JoHo target group?
  • What are the core JoHo themes?
  • How can JoHo support you?
  • How can you support JoHo?
  • What have JoHo and JoHo donors already achiev...

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The best concepts summarized per field of study Table of contents

  • Business and economics
  • Communication and marketing
  • Education & pedagogic sciences
  • International relations and politics
  • IT and technology
  • Law and administration
  • Nature ...


Since 2000, Wereldstage has been arranging internships, project placements and graduation assignments for students in Curaçao. Over the years, various other programs and services have been added, such as gap year programs, volunteer job placement, job placement and the guidance of professiona...


Surviving disasters abroad and solving problems while traveling Table of content

  • What to do during a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone,
  • how dangerous are strong winds
  • What to do do during a volcano eruption,
  • How dangerous is climbing an active volcano?
  • What t...


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