Travel, living and working in Spain - WorldSupporter Theme

Work, intern, volunteer, study, travel, live or backpack in Spain


Going to Spain for work, internship, volunteer project, study, travel, living or backpacking

With over 1600 kilometres of coast line and its outlying Balearic and Canary Islands, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Spain is known for the sun-sea-party package holidays. But there is more. A lot more. From rich cultural heritage, beautiful architecture, an abundance of museums and places of extraordinary natural beauty to tasty tapas, challenging outdoor activities and interesting cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, San Sebastian and Granada.



Backpacking in Spain

  • Spain is a hot spot among international backpacking destinations.
  • Features: good transportation, lots of tapas, lots of variety, lots of party islands and lots of gadgets of culture.

Travel in Spain

  • A trip through Spain is one where you can ski in the mountains, bake on the costas, dance on the islands, stroll through the architecture and indulge in cavas everywhere.
  • Cities and islands spotting: Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Salamanca, San Sebastian, Malaga, Valencia and Granada.
  • Animal spotting: brown bear, Iberian ibex, irritating bedbug, Spanish lynx and black bull.

Studying in Spain

  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found.
  • Study cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, among others.
  • Language study: Barcelona, Seville, Salamanca, San Sebastian, Malaga, Valencia and Granada.

Internships in Spain

  • Internships: internships can be found in all sectors of society. The tourism sector has the most offers, even if your Spanish is not yet great.
  • Internship cities and islands: Barcelona, Ibiza, Madrid, Malaga Salamanca, Valencia.
  • Characteristics: the work culture is generally Mediterranean.

Volunteering in Spain

  • Volunteer projects: especially in the social sector, care and animal care.
  • Animal projects: protection of dogs, cats and horses.
  • Characteristics: volunteering possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months.

Working in Spain

  • Jobs: temporary work can be found mainly in the hospitality and tourism sectors.
  • Characteristics: the work culture can be quite different in each city and location (north or south, catalan or canarian etc).

Working as a digital nomad in Spain

  • Favorite cities and islands: Alicante, Barcelona, Cadiz, Gran Canaria, La Palma, Ibiza, Mallorca, Malaga, Valencia.
  • Characteristics: great relaxed places where good life is often a bit more important than working life.

Living in Spain

  • Language: English is spoken almost everywhere but without Spanish you remain an outsider.
  • Health care: Generally of excellent quality. If you go to Spain as a pensionado check your insurance situation carefully.
  • Characteristics: The real Spanish atmosphere creates a culture where many expatriates, emigrants and working nomads quickly feel at home. Not everyone integrates as quickly, and some locations are very internationally oriented, but in general there is an ideal place for everyone. Don't be alarmed if you are overrun by the somewhat older winter visitors during the winter.
Backpackers & World Travellers - Worldsupporter Theme
Crossroad: region


Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - WorldSupporter Theme
Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme

Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme


You usually only emigrate once and even if you do it more often, the preparation takes quite a lot of work. JoHo has put together a handy checklist, so that you can get an idea of the arrangements that await you. The exact interpretation of each subject varies greatly from person to person. Please share your experience with your emigration preparation on the WorldSupporter platform.

Crossroads: activities, countries, competences, study fields and goals
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