Learning disability often refers to an intellectual disability. A specific learning disability or specific learning disorder often refers to dyslexia. Diagnosis was based on the discrepancy between an individual’s intellectual functioning and one’s academic functioning. However, it was not sure how this should be applied (1), critique that it favours older children and people with higher IQ (2) and concerns that this model is failure based (3). Another method of diagnosing is response to intervention (RTI) which refers to a tiered system of interventions that can be applied and failure to respond is a criteria for SLD. However, this does not take IQ into account. According to the DSM-5, a specific learning disorder occurs when there are academic skills that are substantially and quantifiable below those expected for somebody’s chronological age. When a sensory deficit is present, the learning disorder must be in excess of what would be expected given that deficit.Prevalence rates of SLD are 2% to 10% although this varies widely due to definitional issues. Children with learning disabilities have more social difficulties. Social skills deficits can represent an SLD though social deficits can occur without an academic deficit. Social skills deficits may also emerge prior to SLD and persist into adulthood. Children with a SLD are more often neglected or rejected by peers. Social competence can be undermined in three ways:Skill deficitThis holds that the individual has not learned the required skill.Performance deficitThis holds that the individual has the skill but does not apply it.Self-control deficitThis holds that the individual demonstrates aversive behaviours that compete or interfere with the acquisition and performance of appropriate social skills.Social competence refers to a trait that determines the probability of completing a social task in an acceptable way. Social skills refer to the behaviours that are exhibited in...

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