Activities around and abroad: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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    WorldSupporter & Debates

    Selected content related to Activities around and abroad

    What is the world?

    • The world generally refers to the earth and everything that lives, grows and flourishes on it. The earth as the home of all animals and nature.

    What meanings does the world have?

    • Sometimes the world does not only mean the earth and everything on it, bu...


    Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Activities around and abroad

    What is the world?

    • The world generally refers to the earth and everything that lives, grows and flourishes on it. The earth as the home of all animals and nature.

    What meanings does the world have?

    • Sometimes the world does not only mean the earth and everything on it, bu...

    Stage psychologie op Curaçao

    Voor studenten pscyhologie biedt WereldStage verschillende interessante stageplekken op Curacao. Bijvoorbeeld deze meeloopstage bij een crisisopvang voor kinderen tot 12 jaar die kinderen opvangt die vanwege hun thuissituatie uit huis geplaatst zijn.  Profiel: HBO Toegepaste psychologie/ W...

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    Displaying 1 - 4 of 1286
    The best concepts summarized per field of study

    The best concepts summarized per field of study Table of contents

    • Business and economics
    • Communication and marketing
    • Education & pedagogic sciences
    • International relations and politics
    • IT and technology
    • Law and administration
    • Nature ...


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