WorldSupporter profile of Tolerance and Volunteer Supporter

Moderator Volunteers

Travel & Move: 
Don't have the time to stay weeks at a project? Travel more consciously, stay with locals, assist in projects and eat like the locals do!
Experience & Leisure: 
Being part of volunteering projects was a great experience to gain more insight in how other people on this planet live!
Learn & Develop: 
By connecting volunteers and organizations I hope to contribute to international development and global awareness
Help & Change: 
I help to connect projects and volunteers to find a great match
Work & Initiate: 
By promoting local projects and initiatives I hope to further inspire people to support local NGOs, make a difference while staying abroad and starting new projects themselves
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Habits in Albania

  • Superstitousness - Albanian are very superstitious people. The evil eye is a superstitious belief. The evil eye means that someone could become jealous or envious of you and your family and do a black magic ritual to bring you bad luck.
  • Other Albanian beliefs are&...


The Mediterranean Sea is surrounded by 16 countries. Of these 16 countries, 6 are in Europe, 5 are in Africa, 4 are in Asia. The 6 European countries that border the Mediterranean are Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Greece, and the island country of Malta and Turkey. The 5 African countries are Egypt,...


Habits and customs in Argentina

  • Tango is not just a dance to me. The tango is sensitive and it is based on improvisation. When going to tango events, I always wish to be more feminine in life. Dancing through life with high heels and a nice dress. In Buenos Aires they dance on the streets, ...


Why this blog about habits and philosophies in Asia I love Asia. I feel at home in Asia. I am half chinese and half dutch. I feel more at ease in filipino culture than chinese culture. I have a good friend from Japan. Throughout the years, I have tried to be open to everything Asia has to offer. To ...