Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


Working Abroad & Working Holidays

What are the 7 questions you can ask before working abroad?

  • Your own motivation influences your search, the choices you make and the eventual job you find. It is good for yourself and the people around you to have an open attitude and to be ready for the local population. Even if you want to improve the world, you must remember that you cannot solve all problems in the short term. In addition, good preparation is essential when you work abroad. The questions below will help you list your wishes and requirements or options. This way you can ensure that the work meets your wishes or that your expectations match the possibilities.

1. What are your skills and what skills do you still want to acquire when you work abroad?

  • Consider, for example, skills learned during your education, work experience, volunteer work and in your interests. But also think about what you want to learn during your work experience. Are there specific skills that you would like to develop?

2. What type of work suits you?

  • Consider, for example, differences between practical and executive or more analytical and policy-oriented. You can also consider work where external customer contact is central, or where you work more for the internal organization. You can also consider preferences in the field of working independently, working in a team or leadership.

3. What type of organization do you want to work for when you go abroad?

  • Do you want to work at a commercial company, a non-profit organization or a government institution? Which sector(s) appeal to you most? There are often major differences in working atmosphere, priorities and policies. Feel free to ask friends, fellow students and family about their work experience to get an idea of ​​the types of organizations and the differences per sector.

4. Do you want to work in a local organization or for an international company?

  • Living and working in one place for a long time is different from traveling from one place to another to do your business. You may wonder whether you are someone who can easily relate to very diverse cultures can cope or whether you prefer to adapt to one culture and environment and immerse yourself in it.

5. How are your health and emotional needs when you are abroad?

  • Some people love the warmth of the tropics, others prefer the Scandinavian winters. Does the location you have in mind suit your desired temperature? What about your social contacts? Are you going to your new place with someone or are you going out alone? What is important to you to feel happy and can you find that at the location you have in mind? Are there enough challenges within, but also outside of work, and with the people and opportunities around you?

6. Which circumstances abroad suit you best?

  • Are you looking for a workplace in a metropolis such as New York, New Delhi or Mexico City? Or are you looking for a workplace in the middle of nature (such as at an ecolodge). Something in between is of course also possible, for example in a provincial town. In many places in the world, they are often as large in terms of inhabitants as The Hague or Rotterdam, and offer many amenities, without necessarily being a city of millions. What kind of accommodation are you looking for and do you need anything in terms of transport (a local car / access to public transport)

7- Can you handle a culture shock or would you rather stay in your comfort zone?

  •  Are you looking for a completely different environment (such as a slum in Manila or living among the bears in Alaska)? Or would you rather look for a place where you can rent an apartment with running water, electricity and access to public transport?


Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme

Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme


You usually only emigrate once and even if you do it more often, the preparation takes quite a lot of work. JoHo has put together a handy checklist, so that you can get an idea of the arrangements that await you. The exact interpretation of each subject varies greatly from person to person. Please share your experience with your

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Op zoek naar ultieme vrijheid in je werkende (digital nomad) leven? Ga naar Canggu!

Op zoek naar ultieme vrijheid in je werkende (digital nomad) leven? Ga naar Canggu!

Working at the beach in Thailand

"Working in the cloud". "Digital nomads". "Cloud computing". "Working nomads". "Wanderers". "De moderne nomaden". Vele -veelal Engelse- termen die een leven typeren met "ultieme vrijheid" waarin je werken, vrije tijd, reizen en ontspannen op een ideale manier combineert.

Digitale nomaden zijn personen die het internet gebruiken om hun werk locatieonafhankelijk uit te voeren. Ze leven een "nomadisch" bestaan door veel te reizen en op die manier gebruik te maken van hun flexibele manier van werken en geld verdienen. Aldus Wikipedia.

Nieuwe manier van werken

Een steeds groter wordende groep mensen -wereldwijd- kiest voor een flexibele manier van werken. Niet meer werken op één vaste locatie, niet meer kiezen voor één vaste werkgever, maar "locatie-onafhankelijk werken", bijvoorbeeld als freelancer, veelal voor diverse opdrachtgevers. Digitale nomaden gaan een stap verder dan de thuiswerkers; men trekt de wereld in, maakt rondtrekkend werken tot een lifestyle. Digitale nomaden gebruiken internettools die "werken in de cloud" faciliteren, kiezen werkzaamheden die goed op afstand kunnen worden uitgevoerd of ontwikkelen nieuwe vaardigheden en competenties die beter aansluiten bij deze manieren van reizen en werken.

Werkzaamheden op afstand

Niet iedere job leent zich ervoor om afscheid te nemen van het vaste bureau op -altijd maar weer- diezelfde werklocatie. Digital nomads kiezen bijvoorbeeld voor:

  • starten van een webwinkel
  • online teksten schrijven ('content marketeer')
  • programmeren of webdesignen
  • maken van vertalingen
  • editen van videomateriaal
  • starten van een site, blog, vlog of ander online kanaal
  • ontwikkelen van apps
  • managen van social media kanalen
  • starten van een online coachings-, trainings- of adviesbureau
  • geven van (online) presentaties

Ook voor dit soort werkzaamheden is contact met een opdrachtgever veelal noodzakelijk (tenzij je je eigen opdrachtgever bent). Maar digital nomads zijn experts in het op afstand van contact onderhouden met hun opdrachtgevers, via online meetings, videobellen etc. Of men vliegt, indien essentieel, een keer heen-en-weer voor face2face overleg op een fysieke locatie.

Verander je vaste werklocatie en kies voor een mountain view

Favoriete werklocaties

Digital nomads vind je overal, wereldwijd. Volgens mij is de essentie van het bestaan als digital nomad dat je werken en reizen combineert, dat je regelmatig van werkplek en -regio verandert. Daarbij zijn vooral Zuidoost-Azië en Zuid-Amerika populaire bestemmingen; vooral vanwege klimaat, kosten van levensonderhoud en levensstijl.

Een leuke website die digital nomad werklocaties inventariseert en rangschikt vond ik Via uitgebreide data-analyse en een duizelingwekkende hoeveelheid factoren zijn locaties in kaart gebracht. Inderdaad redelijk wat Zuidoost-Azië en Zuid-Amerika locaties in de top-50, maar toch ook veel Europese wereldsteden als Barcelona, Madrid, Berlijn, Lissabon.

De últieme bestemming voor working nomads is echter Canggu op Bali (Indonesië). Lonely Planet noemt het meer een state-of-mind dan een echte plaats...dat zegt al heel veel denk ik. Met een enorm aantal bedrijfjes en dan vooral laagdrempelige cafeetjes worden de working nomads gefaciliteerd. De werklocaties bevinden zich, hoe kan het ook anders, met name vlakbij het strand. Bij Nomadlist scoort de plaats goed op onder andere internetsnelheid, luchtkwaliteit, verkeersveiligheid, beschikbare werkplekken, vriendelijkheid ten opzichte van buitenlanders, "fun", beschikbaarheid van gratis WIFI, vriendelijkheid voor vrouwen en tolerantie.

Sit, relax and work at Canggu Beach

Deel je ervaringen

Heb jij ervaring met het nomadenbestaan als werkende reiziger of reizende werker?

  • Deel de voors & tegens met anderen die ook al rondreizen, of juist nadenken over een dergelijk bestaan.
  • Wat was jouw motivatie om je vaste(re) werkstructuren op te geven en te kiezen voor een working nomad levensstijl?
  • Heb je tips voor mensen die nadenken over een carrière-move en twijfelen om over te stappen naar een leven als working nomad?
  • Schrijf een reactie hieronder, of maak een eigen blog.

Meer lezen

Verzekeringen voor in het buitenland - WorldSupporter Theme


Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - WorldSupporter Theme
Checklist for when you're moving abroad

Checklist for when you're moving abroad

packing boxes

What to check regarding your property/residence in your home country?

  • Sell, sublet, lend or leave your property empty.
  • At end of lease: check in what state you should deliver your property/residence. For example think about recovering your outstanding deposit. Return your rented housing back to its original state if you don't keep it.
  • Arrange a convenient time for terminating the utilities in your rented or owned residence: keep your day of departure in mind. Allow plenty of time.
  • Consider using an agent when you are planning to rent out your residence. Make final arrangements with tenants if you keep your house (Think of meter readings).
  • Hand in house keys if you have a rental house (corporation, new renters, counsellor); check if any third parties have your house keys too.
  • Check meter readings for final payment.
  • Check termination of utilities (gas, water, electricity).
  • Repair your car and have it equipped technically to suit the country that you emigrate to, mind the requirements in that country (if you bring a car).
How to make a decision about your property/residence abroad?
  • Renting, buy it directly or rent first temporarily?
  • Get trustworthy information if you would like to purchase a condiminium
  • Determine minimum requirements and maximum budget for a new house and stick to it while finding a new house.
  • Make pictures of your rental house and make a list of the state of present goods.
  • Investigate the state of your apartment for rent before buying it.
  • Organise the connecting of utilities preferably 24-48 hours before arrival.
  • Arrange insurances and security measures; expat houses are more vulnerable.

What issues to give attention on health, vaccinations & medicine?

  • Give yourself plenty of time to sort out the required vaccinations and medical clearances (this may take up to weeks or months to arrange).
  • Get international declarations about the medicines you bring at the beginning of your stay and find out which comparable medicines are locally available.
  • Check the options for continuation of existing conditions.
  • Get familiar with the common diseases there and how to treat them, keep updated on health advisories.
  • Read up on local health care: hospitals, doctors, dentists, maternity care, check the experiences of fellow countrymen or other foreigners who have emigrated. 
  • Get a final medical check from the doctor you trust in your home country, get a medical file that you can use internationally from your doctor, dentist or doctors for medical inspections (for your work or visa).
  • Before you leave, talk about what to do in case of  serious illness to yourself, your family members or the family and good friends you leave behind.
  • Consider taking first aid training before you leave to increase your independency.
How to check your furniture, sort and pack it?
  • Clean up, throw away, give away household contents and involve your children in respect of their own things.
  • Consider temporary storage of contents that you’re not taking.
  • Check if there are any import taxes to items that you want to bring.
  • Consider donating items to a charity shop.
  • Check if you have any lent or borrowed items.
  • Make an inventory list of all the stuff you are going to take with you; make pictures of (the state) of your valuable items.
  • Check the usability of electrical equipment in your new country.
  • Are going to pack yourself, write on the boxes what the content is. 
Why and how to request removal quotations?
  • Create one basic list which you can present to several movers.
  • Check the frequency of transport to move to your new country of residence.
  • Ask about experiences of previous emigrants.
  • Think about transport insurance. 
How to relocate (domestic) animals?
  • Allow plenty of time figuring out requirements, permits and necessary documents in your new country of residence if you want to take a pet along: including vaccinations, quarantine and import permits.
  • Check additional regulations of your transporter (e.g. airline).
  • Check what needs to be done before departure about transport, food, drink if your pet is transported by airplane.

What issues to give attention on determine date: packing and load?

  • Take into account time to sort out and packing + cleaning and drying of certain goods.
  • Reconfirm the date a week in advance to avoid surprises.
  • Arrange child care for your kids.
  • Find a secure place for essential items and documents (such as important documents, keys and medicines).
  • Arrange enough drink and meals for moving day.
  • Arrange enough space for moving truck(s) on moving day.
  • Discuss extra concerns with the coordinator at the beginning of the moving day.
  • Check and double check all the rooms before the mover leaves. 

How to unsubscribe?

  • Register that you are leaving with the authorities (municipality) 1 to 5 days prior to departure from your home country
  • If necessary carry out the necessary formalities with regards to your car registration and tax.

How to say goodbye?

  • Make clear agreements with those staying behind in case you get sick or worse.
  • Invite other people to read your (emigration) blog/ write something for your blog.
  • Check tips in organizing a special goodbyes.
  • Make a back-up plan if you suddenly have to go back to your country of origin, check if there are friends/ relatives you can stay with if you do not have your own house anymore.
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