What is the difference between discrete and continuous variables?

Both discrete and continuous variables are used to represent and measure things, but they differ in the way they do so:

Discrete variables:

  • Represent countable values
  • Have distinct, separate categories with no values in between
  • Think of them as individual units you can count
  • Examples: Number of people in a room, number of correct answers on a test, grades (A, B, C, etc.), size categories (S, M, L), number of days in a month.

Continuous variables:

  • Represent measurable values that can take on an infinite number of values within a range
  • Don't have distinct categories and can be divided further and further
  • Think of them as measurements along a continuous scale
  • Examples: Height, weight, temperature, time, distance, speed, volume.

Here's a table to summarize the key differences:

FeatureDiscrete variableContinuous variable
Type of valuesCountableMeasurable
CategoriesDistinct, no values in betweenNo distinct categories, can be divided further
ExampleNumber of applesWeight of an apple

Additional points to consider:

  • Discrete variables can sometimes be grouped into ranges: For example, instead of counting individual people, you might group them into age ranges (0-10, 11-20, etc.). However, the underlying nature of the variable remains discrete.
  • Continuous variables can be converted to discrete by grouping: For example, you could create discrete categories for temperature (e.g., below freezing, warm, hot). However, this loses information about the actual measurement.
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Startmagazine: Introduction to Statistics

Startmagazine: Introduction to Statistics


Introduction to Statistics: in short

  • Statistics comprises the arithmetic procedures to organize, sum up and interpret information. By means of statistics you can note information in a compact manner.
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