WorldSupporter profile of Luc Berger
Travel & Move: 
I have one primary goal when i travel the world: visiting big grey ships. I have taken my family around Europe to visit as many warships as possible.
The most amazing trip was Hawaii and LA, particularly visiting Pearl Harbor with the USS Missouri and the harbour of Los Angeles with the USS Iowa. Another thing I really love to do is looking at beautiful architecture in countries like Germany or Italy when i'm travelling.
Experience & Leisure: 
To see the world has to be my primary objective when I look at my leisure time, but I also like to play the piano, meet up with friends and I am always in for a good game.
Learn & Develop: 
I loved it when I did a serious game about military decisionmaking at the Maritime Establishment in Amsterdam. Which path do you choose and what will it lead to?
These policy simulations are certainly way harder than you might expect!
Help & Change: 
Work & Initiate: 
After some time working in Dutch restaurants as dishwasher and quickly climbing up to souschef I decided this wasn't the path I would follow.
My brother and Sister both became chefs but I, now studying Politics at Leiden University, decided that I prefer to kickstart with work that in my opinion helps people and kickstart a career. That is why I work for JoHo to help people with getting further in life not only in the Netherlands, but around the world.
My Latest Activity

Hoihoi! Een tijdje terug gaf ik op worldsupporter aan dat ik een week gratis reizen met de trein door de gehele EU heb gewonnen! Nu de zomervakantie langzaam dichterbij komt begint er in mijn hoofd ook al een plan te vormen voor de epische reis die mij te wachten staat. Ik ben van plan om samen met ...


Dit is een bundel voor mensen die Politicologie studeren aan de Universiteit Leiden! De meeste vakken zitten hierin met uitzondering van Statistiek I. (Politiek van de Europese Unie, inleiding politieke wetenschap komen nog!). Ik zal gedurende mijn bachelor politicologie steeds meer samenvattingen t...

Latest Activity of My Favorites
Thesis help


  • All first year students following the bachelor Psychology at the University of Amsterdam have to write their propaedeutic thesis at the end of the academic year. This can be a daunting challenge! To aid you in this cumbersome process, this page has been made with tips and tricks to fi...

Questions & Answers: creating an account and profile page


  • What is WorldSupporter account and profile page?
  • Why a WorldSupporter profile?
  • What is a WorldSupporter Mini CV?
  • How can you draw attention to your profile or content?
  • What can you include in your personal profile?
  • How can others disc...