WorldSupporter: how does it work to order print summaries and having them delivered to your home?

Who can use the postal service to order print summaries and having them delivered to your home?

  • The postal service for summaries is exclusive for JoHo members with a membership including postal or pickup services.
  • Those members you can receive up to 10 print summaries for only the shipping and handling costs ( €7.50 per order).
  • You can order one copy of a print summary per member
    • When you wish to order additional copies for your friends please list their names + their JoHo membership numbers.
  • This postal service is only available in The Netherlands

How do you to pay?

  • For all orders to be shipped, the shipping and handling costs are €7.50
  • The costs of your order are bank account number that you submit.
  • Preferably the same bank account number as your current JoHo WorldSupporter membership .

How does the mail and order service work?

  • Log in on JoHo WorldSupporter
  • Check the study guides of the summaries for print availabilty and the ordernumber
    • Only the selection of print summaries with order numbers can be ordered
  • Go to the WorldSupporter postal service
  • Start filling in the form
  • Add the order number of your a print summary to your order
  • Enter your details and finalize your order by hitting the submit button

How long does it take to receive a print summary?

  • Orders are offered to the postal delivery company within a few business days (generally one or two days, max 4 to 5)
  • Contact JoHo WorldSupporter in case of a delivery problem
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JoHo WorldSupporter is a project for everybody who wants to make a difference and contribute in their own way. WorldSupporter is an online community where individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
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