Study guide with article summaries for Youth and Sexuality at the University of Utrecht

Articlesummaries with Youth and Sexuality at the University of Utrecht

Table of content

  • Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Report by Bullough - 1998
  • In pursuit of pleasure by Laan a.o. - 2021
  • The Steps of Sexuality by Cacciatore a.o. - 2019
  • Do Hormones Influence Women's Sex? by Caruso a.o. - 2014
  • Testosterone and Sexual Desire in Healthy Women and Men by Van Anders - 2012
  • Doing Gender in Sex and Sex Research? by Vanwesenbeeck - 2009
  • Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism by Buss & Schmitt - 2011
  • Interventions to reduce blatant and subtle sexual orientation- and gender identity prejudice (SOGIP) by Cramwinckel a.o. - 2018
  • Romantic Relationships and Sexuality in Adolescence and Young Adulthood by Van de Bongardt a.o. - 2015
  • Only sluts love sexting by Naezer & Van Oosterhout - 2021
  • A bio-ecological theory of sexual harassment of girls by Brown et al. - 2020
  • The complexities of sexual consent among college students by Muehlenhard a.o. - 2016
  • Comprehensive Sexuality Education by Vanwesenbeeck - 2020
  • prescribed articles with Youth and Sexuality in previous years
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Articlesummary with Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Report: Historical overview and lasting contributions by Bullough - 1998

Articlesummary with Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Report: Historical overview and lasting contributions by Bullough - 1998

Who was Alfred Kinsey?

Alfred Kinsey (1894-1856) was a biologist and sexologist whose research became a worldwide source of information about human sexuality and new standards for sex research. He reoriented the field and moved it away from the medical model to one encompassing a variety of disciplines. His research was foundational to the field of sexology and has influenced social and cultural values all over the world.

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Articlesummary with In pursuit of pleasure: A biopsychosocial perspective on sexual pleasure and gender by Laan a.o. - 2021

Articlesummary with In pursuit of pleasure: A biopsychosocial perspective on sexual pleasure and gender by Laan a.o. - 2021

What is sexual pleasure?

Sexual pleasure is defined as the physical and/or psychological satisfaction and enjoyment derived from shared or solitary erotic experiences, including thoughts, emotions, dreams, fantasies and feelings. Sexual health is usually monitored by looking at contraceptive use, abortions, teenage pregnancies, sexual transmitted infections and sexual violence, but recently sexual pleasure is also starting to be seen as important for sexual health.

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Articlesummary with The Steps of Sexuality: A Developmental, Emotion-focused, Child-centered Model of Sexual Development and Sexuality Education from Birth to Adulthood by Cacciatore a.o. - 2019
Articlesummary with Do Hormones Influence Women's Sex? Sexual Activity over the Menstrual Cycle by Caruso a.o. - 2014
Articlesummary with Testosterone and Sexual Desire in Healthy Women and Men by Van Anders - 2012
Articlesummary with Doing Gender in Sex and Sex Research? by Vanwesenbeeck - 2009
Article Summary of Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism - Buss & Schmitt - 2011
Articlesummary with Interventions to reduce blatant and subtle sexual orientation- and gender identity prejudice (SOGIP): Current knowledge and future directions by Cramwinckel a.o. - 2018

Articlesummary with Interventions to reduce blatant and subtle sexual orientation- and gender identity prejudice (SOGIP): Current knowledge and future directions by Cramwinckel a.o. - 2018

What is SOGIP?

SOGIP is an abbreviation for Sexual Orientation- and Gender Identity Prejudice. It is defined as a negative attitude towards certain behaviors, individuals or groups based on - or related to - their (perceived) sexual orientation, (perceived) gender identity, gender role or gender expression.

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Articlesummary with Romantic Relationships and Sexuality in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: The Role of Parents, Peers, and Partners by Van de Bongardt a.o. - 2015
Articlesummary with Only sluts love sexting: youth, sexual norms and non-consensual sharing of digital sexual images by Naezer & Van Oosterhout - 2021

Articlesummary with Only sluts love sexting: youth, sexual norms and non-consensual sharing of digital sexual images by Naezer & Van Oosterhout - 2021

What is sexting?

Sexting refers to making and sending sexually explicit messages, especially images, via the Internet. Sexting can contribute to different dimensions of young people's sexual development and can be considered normal sexual behavior that is an expression of sexual agency, exploration and expression. However, there is also the risk of other people distributing the message without the maker´s consent. This non-consensual sharing is a form of sexual violence or abuse.

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Article Summary of A bio-ecological theory of sexual harassment of girls: research synthesis and proposed model- Brown et al. - 2020

Article Summary of A bio-ecological theory of sexual harassment of girls: research synthesis and proposed model- Brown et al. - 2020

What is this article about?

Many American teenage girls have experienced sexual harassment and nearly a quarter of female college students have been the victim of sexual assault. Despite the negative and long-term consequences of these experiences on their emotional, physical and mental health, perpetrating sexual assault and harassment is usually seen as normative. Very few perpetrators receive punishment. Cases are rarely tried and merely 5% of them result in a conviction. In spite of much media attention on this topic (MeToo) and the Weinstein-trial, there is still significant cultural acceptance of sexual assault and harassment of women.

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Articlesummary with The complexities of sexual consent among college students: a conceptual and empirical review by Muehlenhard a.o. - 2016

Articlesummary with The complexities of sexual consent among college students: a conceptual and empirical review by Muehlenhard a.o. - 2016

Media coverage regarding sexual assault among college students puts pressure on universities to improve their sexual consent policies. The headlines express the controversy that surrounds sexual assault in college. American and Canadian universities are pressured to investigate and address the complaints of students. Both the accused and complaining student usually acknowledge the occurrence of sexual contact, but disagree about it being consensual. While most awareness and educational campaigns emphasize how important getting sexual consent is, they do not clarify what is considered consent.

What is the definition of sexual assault?

The terms rape, sexual assault and battery have no globally accepted definitions. Legal definitions and that of researchers vary. In general, they refer to sexual acts that are obtained by (the threat of) force or without consent. Rape: sexual penetration that is obtained by (the threat of) force or the victim being incapacitated. Sexual battery is usually defined as unwanted sexual touching. Sexual assault includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual penetration. In this article, sexual assault refers to sexual touching or penetration without consent.

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Articlesummary with Comprehensive Sexuality Education by Vanwesenbeeck - 2020

Articlesummary with Comprehensive Sexuality Education by Vanwesenbeeck - 2020

Why is sexuality education important for young people?

Sexuality is a central aspect of being human. It encompasses sexual behaviors, sexual orientations, eroticism, gender identities and reproduction. Adolescents want to learn about sex and have a right to accurate information. It is crucial to their development of identity, morality and the capacity of intimacy. Parents and peers play a socializing role, but they are not always the best at meeting the needs of the young people when it comes to sexuality education. That is why states and schools need to take this responsibility.

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Article Summaries of the prescribed literature with the course Youth and Sexuality 22/23 - UU

Article Summaries of the prescribed literature with the course Youth and Sexuality 22/23 - UU

  • In deze bundel worden o.a. samenvattingen, oefententamens en collegeaantekeningen gedeeld voor het vak Youth and Sexuality voor de opleiding Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap, jaar 2 aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
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Artikelsamenvattingen bij Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht



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Studiegids met artikelsamenvattingen voor Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Studiegids met artikelsamenvattingen voor Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Artikelsamenvattingen bij Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht



  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Grondslagen van het recht
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Jeugdrecht
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Justitiële interventies
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Klinische neuropsychologie
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Cultural Diversity - 2023/2024
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Professionele Gespreksvoering
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Psychopathologie - 2023/2024
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Diagnostiek in de klinische psychologie - 2023/2024
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Grondslagen van de Klinische Psychologie


  • Article summaries with Science of Happiness - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with Adolescent Development
  • Article summaries with Migrants and Integration - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with The multicultural society - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with The Voice of Youth - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with Youth and sexuality
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