Travel to Cuba to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Cuba: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Cuba?

  • For the curious, adventurous travelers looking for something a little different. From beautiful hikes to historic sites and idyllic beaches. 

Studying in Cuba?

  • No universities with high rankings, but interesting environment and culture to spend your study time in. 

Internship in Cuba?

  • It is not easy to find an internship in Cuba, but there are opportunities for internships in Cuba, such as through international organizations.

Volunteering in Cuba?

  • Construction, conservation and education are particularly popular among volunteers. 

Working in Cuba?

  • There are opportunities with foreign companies, or in the tourism industry as a tour guide. 

Working as a digital nomad in Cuba?

  • A true off-the-beaten-path digital nomad destination. No good internet, challenges, but therefore perfect for getting in touch with the local community and culture. 

Living in Cuba?

  • A simple and romantic life, but with some challenges here and there. 

Supporting content

Cuba Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Cuba Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


Content about Cuba on WorldSupporter

How does health care work in Cuba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does health care work in Cuba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the health care system work in Cuba?

  • Cuba has a comprehensive health care system that is heavily regulated by the government. The country is internationally known for its focus on preventive care and excellent medical training of doctors. 
  • Health care through the Cuban National Health System (SNS) is free for residents, but special medical facilities and insurance are available for expatriates. 
  • The healthcare system is made up of three levels - primary, secondary and tertiary. 
  • Expats are required to purchase health insurance and cannot simply visit public institutions. For expats, there is an independent system called Servimed with more than 40 clinics for primary and specialty care. 
  • Hospitals and clinics do not accept foreign credit or debit cards. You are required to pay with contact money! 
  • Local Servimed pharmacies are often short of medications (except for medications for endemic diseases), so it may be wiser to bring your own from your home country. But be sure to pay close attention to import regulations. 
  • Psychiatric clinics are few and far between, and getting into them as an expat is difficult. 
  • Call 104 for emergency medical services. Medical evacuation may be required, should the situation be life-threatening.

How does the public health care system work in Cuba?

  • Healthcare is fully socialized and free to Cuban citizens. This applies to both basic care and specialized treatments. 
  • The country has very good doctors, but there can sometimes be a lack of medical equipment, medicine or infrastructure. 
  • You can find outpatient clinics and hospitals all over the country, but urban care is often better than rural areas. 

How does the private health care system work in Cuba?

  • Since the revolution by Fidel Castro, the two-part system has been abolished. 
  • So there are actually no private institutions - everything is run by the government. 
  • However, there are Servimed clinics that specially serve expats. Here you will often find better facilities as well. 

How is the general practitioner in Cuba arranged?

  • General doctors can be found in the Servimed clinics. 

How is the dentist in Cuba arranged?

  • The dental care sector has suffered a lot in Cuba in recent years. 
  • Facilities are often not in good condition and there is a lack of supplies. 

How is the pregnancy, obstetrics & maternity care arranged in Cuba?

  • Most births take place in the hospital or a birthing home. 
  • Much prenatal care is available, including regular checkups, ultrasounds and various tests. 
  • Births take place under the supervision of midwives and gynecologists. 
  • Cesarean sections are performed only when medically necessary. 
  • Abortion is legal and the country has one of the highest Abortion rates in Latin America. 
  • Another great aspect of the system: the government provides free access to contraceptives for locals!  

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Cuba?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safely in Cuba?

  • Cuba is relatively safe and there is virtually no crime, although there is a chance of petty crime due to the economic situation.
  • There are some criminal “fake cab drivers,” particularly at the airport and around Old Havana. 
  • Car-related crime occurs in Havana and other tourist spots. Make sure you have a pre-arranged cab and keep doors and windows closed. 
  • Political activities or criticism of the government should be avoided as a foreigner. 
  • Do not take pictures in military zones or other closed areas. This can be seen as spying! 
  • Be sure to exchange money only at official Cadeca exchange offices. If you exchange your money anywhere else, you risk being fined or even imprisoned. 
  • From June to November is hurricane season in Cuba. During this season, floods and landslides are common. There may also be no electricity or water for a while after a hurricane. 

What should you pay attention to in terms of diseases in Cuba?

  • Some mosquito-borne diseases are common in Cuba. 
  • Drinking tap water is not recommended. 

What should you pay attention to in terms of traffic in Cuba?

  • Many means of transportation are not well maintained, streets are often poorly lit and poorly marked. 
  • Avoid driving at night because of the poor roads, the risk of crossing animals and people driving without lights.
  • Public transportation is often limited and very crowded. Cabs and rental cars are usually a more convenient option. 

Which work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Cuba?

  • Is the trip to Cuba and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Cuba if you are going to live there for a while?

  • It is mandatory to have your own international health insurance before entering Cuba. Read more about insurances for abroad on
Cuba: Updates & Travel

Cuba: Updates & Travel

Travel in Cuba

  • Cuba is one of our favorite islands in the Caribbean. The country still looks like the one you see in the movie Dirty Dancing 2. Dance in the streets with Cuban music among the colonial houses. Be quick, because authentic Cuba is fast disappearing. Nevertheless, it is still a treat to travel around here!
  • Take a walk along Havana's dilapidated but beautiful Malecon waterfront. This boulevard leads from Old Havana to West Fedado.
  • Immerse yourself in Cuban nightlife, with Cuban salsa. Every Saturday night at 8, for example, there is a big party (Fiesta de la Cubania) in the streets of Bayamo (Bayamo's street party).
  • In Las Tunas there is a market every weekend where things are sold. There is also singing and dancing. A good chance to meet the locals.
  • Enjoy sun, sea and beach. For example, at Varadero, Playas del Este (Havana) or Havana Riviera (Santa María).
  • Wander through Castillo de La Real Fuerza, Havana's oldest fort. By the way, the fort was built in the wrong place.
  • Baracao is a seaside place with beautiful nature. The road to it “La Farola” is also beautiful.
  • Isla de la Juventud: The perfect place to go diving with over 30 coral reefs. Also nice that it is not very touristy here yet.
  • Trinidad is a colonial city founded in 1514. With elegant houses, and cobblestone streets with horses running over them.
  • Pinar del Rio: A Cuban province that many say has the most beautiful nature. Including stalactite caves with underground rivers.
  • Cayo Largo: Precisely because the island is so hideously touristy, it is almost a paradise on earth. The place to relax on typical Caribbean beaches.
  • The old Cuba is slowly disappearing, as more and more capitalist influences are gradually being allowed in. Visit Cuba when you are able to.

Updates Cuba

  • More about Cuba, updates and contributions, see the link below.


Supporting content:
How does health care work in Cuba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does health care work in Cuba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the health care system work in Cuba?

  • Cuba has a comprehensive health care system that is heavily regulated by the government. The country is internationally known for its focus on preventive care and excellent medical training of doctors. 
  • Health care through the Cuban National Health System (SNS) is free for residents, but special medical facilities and insurance are available for expatriates. 
  • The healthcare system is made up of three levels - primary, secondary and tertiary. 
  • Expats are required to purchase health insurance and cannot simply visit public institutions. For expats, there is an independent system called Servimed with more than 40 clinics for primary and specialty care. 
  • Hospitals and clinics do not accept foreign credit or debit cards. You are required to pay with contact money! 
  • Local Servimed pharmacies are often short of medications (except for medications for endemic diseases), so it may be wiser to bring your own from your home country. But be sure to pay close attention to import regulations. 
  • Psychiatric clinics are few and far between, and getting into them as an expat is difficult. 
  • Call 104 for emergency medical services. Medical evacuation may be required, should the situation be life-threatening.

How does the public health care system work in Cuba?

  • Healthcare is fully socialized and free to Cuban citizens. This applies to both basic care and specialized treatments. 
  • The country has very good doctors, but there can sometimes be a lack of medical equipment, medicine or infrastructure. 
  • You can find outpatient clinics and hospitals all over the country, but urban care is often better than rural areas. 

How does the private health care system work in Cuba?

  • Since the revolution by Fidel Castro, the two-part system has been abolished. 
  • So there are actually no private institutions - everything is run by the government. 
  • However, there are Servimed clinics that specially serve expats. Here you will often find better facilities as well. 

How is the general practitioner in Cuba arranged?

  • General doctors can be found in the Servimed clinics. 

How is the dentist in Cuba arranged?

  • The dental care sector has suffered a lot in Cuba in recent years. 
  • Facilities are often not in good condition and there is a lack of supplies. 

How is the pregnancy, obstetrics & maternity care arranged in Cuba?

  • Most births take place in the hospital or a birthing home. 
  • Much prenatal care is available, including regular checkups, ultrasounds and various tests. 
  • Births take place under the supervision of midwives and gynecologists. 
  • Cesarean sections are performed only when medically necessary. 
  • Abortion is legal and the country has one of the highest Abortion rates in Latin America. 
  • Another great aspect of the system: the government provides free access to contraceptives for locals!  

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Cuba?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safely in Cuba?

  • Cuba is relatively safe and there is virtually no crime, although there is a chance of petty crime due to the economic situation.
  • There are some criminal “fake cab drivers,” particularly at the airport and around Old Havana. 
  • Car-related crime occurs in Havana and other tourist spots. Make sure you have a pre-arranged cab and keep doors and windows closed. 
  • Political activities or criticism of the government should be avoided as a foreigner. 
  • Do not take pictures in military zones or other closed areas. This can be seen as spying! 
  • Be sure to exchange money only at official Cadeca exchange offices. If you exchange your money anywhere else, you risk being fined or even imprisoned. 
  • From June to November is hurricane season in Cuba. During this season, floods and landslides are common. There may also be no electricity or water for a while after a hurricane. 

What should you pay attention to in terms of diseases in Cuba?

  • Some mosquito-borne diseases are common in Cuba. 
  • Drinking tap water is not recommended. 

What should you pay attention to in terms of traffic in Cuba?

  • Many means of transportation are not well maintained, streets are often poorly lit and poorly marked. 
  • Avoid driving at night because of the poor roads, the risk of crossing animals and people driving without lights.
  • Public transportation is often limited and very crowded. Cabs and rental cars are usually a more convenient option. 

Which work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Cuba?

  • Is the trip to Cuba and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Cuba if you are going to live there for a while?

  • It is mandatory to have your own international health insurance before entering Cuba. Read more about insurances for abroad on


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Take intensive spanish classes in Latin America

Take intensive Spanish classes in Latin America. Several on-site courses offered in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Panama, Dominican Republic and Ecuador. Immerse yourself in a Spanish speaking environment by choosing for home stay accommodation.


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From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

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      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

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      Toeristenvisum Een toeristenvisum (touristcard) is verplicht voor Cuba. Deze is geldig voor 30 dagen, en kan in Cuba nog eens 30 dagen verlengd worden (bij je hotel of de immigratiedienst). Een terugvlucht is verplicht. Je kunt je visum aanvragen bij het consulaat in Nederland, en dit kan ook&n...

      Cuba: Updates & Travel
      • Travel in Cuba
      • Updates Cuba
      • Travel in Cuba

        • Cuba is one of our favorite islands in the Caribbean. The country still looks like the one you see in the movie Dirty Dancing 2. Dance in the streets with Cuban music among the colonial houses. Be quick, because authe...

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      StudyTravel bestaat uit een vast team enthousiaste medewerkers, allen met buitenlandervaring. Je kunt er terecht om verschillende talen te leren zoals Italiaans, Duits, Chinees, Portugees, Russisch, Frans, Engels, Japans en natuurlijk Spaans! Daarnaast zijn er mogelijkheden voor een tussenjaar ...

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      Mambo biedt een zeer divers aanbod aan verschillende actieve vakanties en tours aan voor jongeren op alle continenten. Voorbeelden zijn duikvakanties, Klimvakanties, Skivakanties of rondreizen Voor het begeleiden van deze jongeren reizen is Mambo jaarlijks op zoek naar reisleiders


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      Backpack, travel, intern, live, study, volunteer or work in the Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda - Aruba - Bahamas, The - Barbados - Bonaire - Cuba - Curaçao - Dominica - Dominican Republic - Grenada - Haiti - Jamaica - Puerto Rico - Saba - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and...


      Toeristenvisum Een toeristenvisum (touristcard) is verplicht voor Cuba. Deze is geldig voor 30 dagen, en kan in Cuba nog eens 30 dagen verlengd worden (bij je hotel of de immigratiedienst). Een terugvlucht is verplicht. Je kunt je visum aanvragen bij het consulaat in Nederland, en dit kan ook&n...


      Safety and insurances in Cuba

      How does health care work in Cuba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

      How does health care work in Cuba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

      How does the health care system work in Cuba?

      • Cuba has a comprehensive health care system that is heavily regulated by the government. The country is internationally known for its focus on preventive care and excellent medical training of doctors. 
      • Health care through the Cuban National Health System (SNS) is free for residents, but special medical facilities and insurance are available for expatriates. 
      • The healthcare system is made up of three levels - primary, secondary and tertiary. 
      • Expats are required to purchase health insurance and cannot simply visit public institutions. For expats, there is an independent system called Servimed with more than 40 clinics for primary and specialty care. 
      • Hospitals and clinics do not accept foreign credit or debit cards. You are required to pay with contact money! 
      • Local Servimed pharmacies are often short of medications (except for medications for endemic diseases), so it may be wiser to bring your own from your home country. But be sure to pay close attention to import regulations. 
      • Psychiatric clinics are few and far between, and getting into them as an expat is difficult. 
      • Call 104 for emergency medical services. Medical evacuation may be required, should the situation be life-threatening.

      How does the public health care system work in Cuba?

      • Healthcare is fully socialized and free to Cuban citizens. This applies to both basic care and specialized treatments. 
      • The country has very good doctors, but there can sometimes be a lack of medical equipment, medicine or infrastructure. 
      • You can find outpatient clinics and hospitals all over the country, but urban care is often better than rural areas. 

      How does the private health care system work in Cuba?

      • Since the revolution by Fidel Castro, the two-part system has been abolished. 
      • So there are actually no private institutions - everything is run by the government. 
      • However, there are Servimed clinics that specially serve expats. Here you will often find better facilities as well. 

      How is the general practitioner in Cuba arranged?

      • General doctors can be found in the Servimed clinics. 

      How is the dentist in Cuba arranged?

      • The dental care sector has suffered a lot in Cuba in recent years. 
      • Facilities are often not in good condition and there is a lack of supplies. 

      How is the pregnancy, obstetrics & maternity care arranged in Cuba?

      • Most births take place in the hospital or a birthing home. 
      • Much prenatal care is available, including regular checkups, ultrasounds and various tests. 
      • Births take place under the supervision of midwives and gynecologists. 
      • Cesarean sections are performed only when medically necessary. 
      • Abortion is legal and the country has one of the highest Abortion rates in Latin America. 
      • Another great aspect of the system: the government provides free access to contraceptives for locals!  

      How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Cuba?

      What should you pay attention to in terms of safely in Cuba?

      • Cuba is relatively safe and there is virtually no crime, although there is a chance of petty crime due to the economic situation.
      • There are some criminal “fake cab drivers,” particularly at the airport and around Old Havana. 
      • Car-related crime occurs in Havana and other tourist spots. Make sure you have a pre-arranged cab and keep doors and windows closed. 
      • Political activities or criticism of the government should be avoided as a foreigner. 
      • Do not take pictures in military zones or other closed areas. This can be seen as spying! 
      • Be sure to exchange money only at official Cadeca exchange offices. If you exchange your money anywhere else, you risk being fined or even imprisoned. 
      • From June to November is hurricane season in Cuba. During this season, floods and landslides are common. There may also be no electricity or water for a while after a hurricane. 

      What should you pay attention to in terms of diseases in Cuba?

      • Some mosquito-borne diseases are common in Cuba. 
      • Drinking tap water is not recommended. 

      What should you pay attention to in terms of traffic in Cuba?

      • Many means of transportation are not well maintained, streets are often poorly lit and poorly marked. 
      • Avoid driving at night because of the poor roads, the risk of crossing animals and people driving without lights.
      • Public transportation is often limited and very crowded. Cabs and rental cars are usually a more convenient option. 

      Which work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Cuba?

      • Is the trip to Cuba and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

      What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Cuba if you are going to live there for a while?

      • It is mandatory to have your own international health insurance before entering Cuba. Read more about insurances for abroad on

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