Study Guide with article summaries for Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Article summaries with Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

  • Summaries with prescribed articles of 24/25


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Article summary with Reevaluating the strengths and weaknesses of self-report measures of subjective well-being by Lucas - Exclusive

Article summary with Reevaluating the strengths and weaknesses of self-report measures of subjective well-being by Lucas - Exclusive

What is this article about?

Well-being is subjective and because of that, all ways of evaluating well-being are subjective. The subjective nature of the construct makes self-report a natural method for assessing well-being. But there are problems with self-report measures. These problems will be reviewed in this article.

What is subjective well-being and how is it measured?

Subjective well-being (SWB) is a construct that focuses explicitly on subjective evaluations of

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Article summary with Is the study of happiness a worthy scientific pursuit? by Norrish & Vella-Brodrick - Exclusive

Article summary with Is the study of happiness a worthy scientific pursuit? by Norrish & Vella-Brodrick - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This articles is a critique on the view that the study of happiness is not a worthy scientific pursuit. It sets out to prove that the happiness set point and hedonic treadmill theories denote the complexity of increasing happiness levels due to genetic limitations and adaption. There is mounting evidence to suggest that happiness can be improved with the use of appropriate measures and specific interventions aimed at fostering strengths and virtues. Approaching human needs from a top down or holistic standpoint where individuals can use their strengths to overcome life's challenges is beneficial to health and well-being and

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Article summary with Well-being concepts and components by Tov - Exclusive

Article summary with Well-being concepts and components by Tov - Exclusive

What is this article about?

Well-being is a broad, complex, multifaceted construct. This article is a review of different ways of defining and measuring well-being and the implications that this has for understanding the correlates and causes of well-being. Different conceptions of well-being and specific components of them will be discussed.

What different conceptions of well-being are there?

There are different ideas on what

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Article summary with Beyond the hedonic treadmill: Revising the adaptation theory of well-being by Diener et al. - Exclusive

Article summary with Beyond the hedonic treadmill: Revising the adaptation theory of well-being by Diener et al. - Exclusive

What is this article about?

The hedonic treadmill model is a model that supposes that good and bad events can only temporarily affect happiness. According to this model, everyone always adapts back to hedonic neutrality. This leads to the conclusion that it is pointless to try and increase happiness. The poorest diseased beggar with no social connections could be just as happy as the healthy billionaire with a lot of close and supportive relationships. But is this really true? This article will make five important revisions to the hedonic

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Article summary with Very happy people by Diener & Seligman (2)

Article summary with Very happy people by Diener & Seligman (2)

What is this article about?

This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and very unhappy people. This study has tried to find out what some factor might be that influence high happiness: social relationships, personality and psychopathology, and variables that have been related to subjective well-being in correlational studies. It also examined whether there was a variable that was sufficient for happiness and a variable that was necessary for happiness (sufficient: everyone with the variable is happy, necessary: every happy person has the variable).

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Article summary with Eudaimonia in the contemporary science of subjective well-being by Heintzelman - Exclusive

Article summary with Eudaimonia in the contemporary science of subjective well-being by Heintzelman - Exclusive

What is this article about?

Aristotle had already introduced the concept of eudaimonia to reflect human flourishing as a reflection of virtue and the development of one's full potential, in contrast to the pleasure-centered hedonic theories of well-being. In the science of happiness, the definition of subjective well-being has also been expanded to include eudaimonia. This article is an exploration of eudaimonia or eudaimonic well-being.

What is eudaimonia?

Aristotle's conception of eudaimonia can be explained as a reflection of virtue, excellence, and the development of one's full potential. Eudaimonia is an

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Article summary with Revisiting the sustainably happiness model and pie chart: Can happiness be successfully pursued? by Sheldon & Lyumbomirsky

Article summary with Revisiting the sustainably happiness model and pie chart: Can happiness be successfully pursued? by Sheldon & Lyumbomirsky

What is this article about?

This article is about the Sustainable Happiness Model (SHM). This is an influential model in positive psychology and the science of happiness. However, the 'pie chart of this model has received some valid critiques. This article agrees with many of these critiques, even though research also supports the most important premise of the SHM. This basic premise is that individuals can boost their well-being via their intentional behaviors, and maintain that boost in the long term. But such effects may be weaker than researchers initially believe. Three contemporary models that have descended from the thinking embodied in the SHM, will also be described.

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Article summary with Affect and emotions as drivers of climate change perception and action: A review by Brosch - Exclusive

Article summary with Affect and emotions as drivers of climate change perception and action: A review by Brosch - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This is a review of recent findings concerning the role of affect and emotion in climate change perceptions and judgment as well as their potential as drivers of sustainable action. The affective responses people experience toward climate change are found to be strong predictors of risk perceptions, mitigation behavior, adaptation behavior, policy support, and technology acceptance. Communication and intervention studies show that inducing both positive and negative emotions may under certain conditions promote sustainable behavior. This follows from accumulating research in the affective sciences. The field of behavioral sciences could benefit from incorporation of these concepts and

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Article summary with Assessing the impact of the size and scope of government on human well-being by Flavin et al. - Exclusive

Article summary with Assessing the impact of the size and scope of government on human well-being by Flavin et al. - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This article is a research review about how public policies affect life satisfaction across the industrial democracies. Government spending, the size and generosity of the welfare state, and the degree of labor market regulation are considered as indicators of policy. There is evidence for the idea that citizens find life more satisfying as the degree of government intervention in the economy increases. This result is inelastic to changes in income.

What is examined?

Capitalism has come to structure not only economic production

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Article summary with Can and should happiness be a policy goal? Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences by Oishi & Diener - Exclusive

Article summary with Can and should happiness be a policy goal? Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences by Oishi & Diener - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This article is a review of happiness research that demonstrates that self-reported happiness could be used to evaluate public policies. The thesis is that self-report well-being measures can be used to track objective societal and economic conditions and that we can use them to make society better in a variety of different ways. The ideal society is the society in which citizens are happy, fee satisfied, and find their lives meaningful.

Should happiness be a policy goal?

Since the Wealth of

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Article summary with Scientific answers to the timeless philosophical question of happiness by Kesebir - Exclusive

Article summary with Scientific answers to the timeless philosophical question of happiness by Kesebir - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This is an introduction to the science of happiness. It provides a catalogue of the main questions that have been posed about happiness across millennia. By doing this, it can explain why we look at happiness from a scientifical standpoint, not just from a philosophical standpoint. First, it will be explained what happiness is and how it can be measured. After that, the possibility, desirability, and justifiability of happiness will be explored. Lastly, this article will try to answer the question of how to be happy.

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Article summary with From the Paleolithic to the present: Three revolutions in the global history of happiness by McMahon - Exclusive

Article summary with From the Paleolithic to the present: Three revolutions in the global history of happiness by McMahon - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This article explains what the three crucial turning points or revolutions have been in the world history of happiness. All these revolutions have had a significant impact in how people experience and understand happiness. 

It is always difficult to measure happiness. There will never be a perfectly reliable instrument that allows us to measure another person's well-being with complete and total certainty. But there are a lot of tools that can be used to come close to measuring someone's happiness, such as scales, questionnaires, experience sampling and

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Article summary with Well-being in Normative ethics by Kagan - Exclusive

Article summary with Well-being in Normative ethics by Kagan - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This is an explanation of well-being from the view of normative ethics. It tries to answer the question of what exactly "well-being" is and what it means for someone's life to go better or worse. Hedonism will be explained in all its forms and the most important rejections of it will be dealt with. This article is not an exploration of the causes of happiness, but of the definition of happiness. 

What is well-being?

An important answer is that well-being consists in the presence of pleasure and the absence of pain. A lot of

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Study Guide with article summaries for previous years: Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Study Guide with article summaries for previous years: Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Article summaries with previous years of Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

  • Summaries with the most used and prescribed articles from previous study years


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Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Artikelsamenvattingen bij Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht



  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Grondslagen van het recht
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Jeugdrecht
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Justitiële interventies
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Klinische neuropsychologie
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Cultural Diversity - 2023/2024
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Professionele Gespreksvoering
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Psychopathologie - 2023/2024
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Diagnostiek in de klinische psychologie - 2023/2024
  • Artikelsamenvattingen bij Grondslagen van de Klinische Psychologie


  • Article summaries with Science of Happiness - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with Adolescent Development
  • Article summaries with Migrants and Integration - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with The multicultural society - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with The Voice of Youth - 2023/2024
  • Article summaries with Youth and sexuality
Psychology and behavorial sciences - Theme
Click & Go to more related summaries or chapters

Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Keuzevakken Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht




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