Practice exams Public International Law - UU
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What are the ways through which the International Court of Justice (ICJ) could establish jurisdiction over a dispute between two States? Mention relevant treaty provisions to support your answer.
Justitia and Benevoleria are members of the United Nations. In 1980, the two States decided to conclude a bilateral treaty called the Yellow Pipeline Treaty ('the Treaty') regulating the construction of underwater pipelines between the two States. The Treaty does not contain any provisions on dispute settlement. After Justitia began its construction in 2003, Benevoleria accused Justitia of violating several provisions of the Treaty, and decided to bring a case against Justitia to the ICJ for these violations.
In 1976, Justitia made an unconditional declaration recognising the jurisdiction of the ICJ as compulsory in relation to other states that made the same declaration. In 1990, Benevoleria also made a declaration accepting the compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ, but only over disputes arising from multilateral conventions.
Would the ICJ have jurisdiction in this case? Mention relevant treaty provision and case law to support your answer.
What is the right of innocent passage according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Mention relevant provisions under UNCLOS to support your answer.
Upon ratification of the UNCLOS in 2003, Myanmar made the following declaration in relation to the exercise of the right of innocent passage:
Myanmar is of the view that (..) a notification requirement is needed in respect of nuclear-powered ships or ships carrying nuclear or other inherently dangerous or noxious substances.
In your opinion, is Myanmar’s notification requirement regarding nuclear vessels and vessels carrying noxious substances in conformity with UNCLOS? Mention relevant provisions under UNCLOS to support your answer.
Name and briefly describe the sources of international law. Provide an answer of no more than two lines for each source and mention relevant treaty provisions to support your answer.
Parvati and Forbido are parties to the Convention on Access to Resources in the Numera Steppe (the Steppe Convention), a treaty aiming at improving access to water.
Among the provisions of the Steppe Convention is the following:
In the event that a source of water is located on the border between State parties, the Heads of State of the respective parties shall enter into negotiations in good faith for an arrangement on access to the water.
As a republic, Parvati made the following declaration when ratifying the Steppe Convention:
“With regards to Article 12, Parvati does not recognize the authority of any monarch, king or queen, of another State and will only engage in negotiations with elected members of democratic institutions.”
The Kingdom of Forbido is a constitutional monarchy, with King Mufasa as the Head of State. The Forbadian people are very proud of their King, so Forbido decides to object only to the reservation made by Parvati.
Parvati and Forbido are parties to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Describe how the treaty relationship between Parvati and Forbido is affected by the reservation and the objection to the reservation. Mention relevant treaty provisions to support your answer.
Meereen and Astapor are two neighbouring States. The Khaleesi Group is a private company registered in Meereen and is the sole provider of electricity in Astapor.
In 2008, there was social unrest in Meereen because of the decision of Khaleesi Group to raise electricity prices, leading to mass demonstrations outside the headquarters of the Khaleesi Group in Meereen. On 21 October, Daenerys Targaryen, CEO of Khaleesi Group and a Meereen national, travelled to the mentioned headquarters to meet with the demonstrators. While a meeting was taking place in the headquarters, a group of unidentified individuals began to vandalise the building, then subsequently entered the building and killed Daenerys Targaryen. Meereen police officers were at the scene of the events, yet they did not prevent the damage to the building and the death of Targaryen.
Following the events, the Government of Meereen issued the following statement: “The police of Meereen is not to blame for the events of 21 October. It is the reckless pricing policy of Khaleesi Group which led to its CEO’s death. The people justly reacted to this capitalist tyranny.”
Astapor argues that there is an obligation under international law for all States to protect the life and property of foreigners within their jurisdiction. Therefore, Astapor claims that Meereen was responsible for the death of Daenerys Targaryen and the damage done to the headquarter building. Do you agree with Astapor? Mention relevant sources, including (treaty) provisions and case law to support your answer.
Bases of jurisdiction: explain each of the four bases and mention the relevant paragraph of Article 36 ICJ Statute.
Optional clause declarations
Innocent passage
Coastal State’s right over innocent passage
Legal effect of objection
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This bundle contains practice exams for Public International Law at Utrecht University.
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