FAQ: How to add content and make contributions on WorldSupporter.org? - Bundle


Bundle items:
Tools: What are WorldSupporter Bundles, and how to create or use them?

Tools: What are WorldSupporter Bundles, and how to create or use them?

What are WorldSupporter Bundles?

  • Bundles are selections of existing content on WorldSupporter.org
  • This tool offers a basic structured overview of conten. tA bundle makes it easier for users to navigate from one page to another, because below a page that you have added to a bundle a automated back link is created.
  • You can create your own Bundle from content shared by others, by yourself or a mix of both.

How to create a Bundle?

  • Step 1:
    • You start with a brief description of the content that you are bringing together
  • Step 2:
    • Connect your previously added content to your Bundle by typing a key word in the 'resources' field.
    • When you want to add content by other Supporters to your Bundle you need to go to those specific pages and click on the 'save for later' button at the bottom of each contribution
  • Step 3: You are given three options to show content that you want to bundle: links, teaser of full content
    • Links: Your collection of content will be shown as a list of links
    • Teaser: Your collection of content will be shown in short summaries, stimulating people to continue reading elsewhere
    • Full content: The bundled content will be readable at this one page, your readers don't have to navigate elsewhere.

Where to add a Bundle?

Tools: What are WorldSupporter Media and how can you add a photo, film or document?

Tools: What are WorldSupporter Media and how can you add a photo, film or document?

What are WorldSupporter Media?

  • With the Media tool you can share movies, photos, presentations or documents.
  • Uploaded Media can tell their own story or can be used to strengthen one of your other contributions (such as Blogs, Magazines or Summaries)

How to create WorldSupporter Media?

  • For movies or presentations or other media bigger than 2MB:
    • Upload your content to a specialized platform such as YouTube, Vimeo or Pinterest
    • Advertise your presentation or movie by placing a shortcut to your content or upload a picture that summarizes the content
  • For Pictures and documents smaller than 2MB
    • Create a Media page
    • and upload your file in the 'media' field
  • For optimal exposure on WorldSupporter always add an accompanying image to your shared movies or documents, this image will be shown on your personal profile and on the profiles of your followers
  • Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings

What can you do if uploading photos fails?

  • Make sure the file is no larger than 2 MB.
  • Check whether your file meets the requirements listed below the field, e.g. the file type (usually limited to: png, gif, jpg, jpeg)

Where to add WorldSupporter Media?

Summaries: what are WorldSupporter Summaries ans Study Notes, and how to create or use them?

Summaries: what are WorldSupporter Summaries ans Study Notes, and how to create or use them?

What types of summaries and study assistance does WorldSupporter offer?

Summaries and study materials can be found in 6 different forms:

  • Book summaries: give you insight into the main and side issues of the most essential and current literature in your field
  • BulletPoint Summaries: ultra-short summaries displayed in bullets
  • Article summaries: summaries of scientific articles that you will use during and after your studies
  • ExamTickets: consist of short bullets with subject-oriented exam tips and sample questions, so that you know what you have to learn and how you should study
  • ExamTests: consist of bundles of exam and practice questions that provide extra understanding, test your knowledge and give insight into the way in which an exam will be taken
  • Study Notes & Sheets:  summaries of lectures, working groups that give you more insight into what is considered important by teachers.

Why add a Summary or Study Note?

  • This content type allows you to explain a certain subject. This can be based on your own texts or on summarized versions of study material
  • Many Supporters use this content type for university course material, but feel free to use it as a broad tool for knowledge transfer
  • Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings

How to add a Summary or Study Note?

  • tip 1: by adding category tags your content will be easier to find by people with similar interests that not yet follow your account
  • tip 2: bring several summaries together and create easier navigation for yourself and your followers
  • tip 3: add an image in the 'image' field, because it will be used to highlight your contribution on your profile and other spotlight locations on WorldSupporter. Without an image your avatar will be used for these purposes.

Where to find or read more about Summaries or Study Notes

Where to add Summaries or Study Notes?


Text: What are WorldSupporter Blogs, and how to create or use them?

Text: What are WorldSupporter Blogs, and how to create or use them?

What is a Blog?

A blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a website, or a webpage, which used to consist of personal texts in the form of a 'diary' or description of a specific period. Nowadays blogs also provide commentary on a particular topic or provide more insight into a particular problem

How do Blogs work?

Many blogs illustrate their message or story with photos and other media. By giving readers the opportunity to respond, a stimulating environment can be created where beautiful ideas and thoughts can be shared. Of course there are also blog terrorists who are not so much interested in forming opinions and sharing knowledge, but rather want to share their own frustrations, or who like to silence others. Technical solutions have proven to be a good solution for this

How to Blog on Worldsupporter, and  how can you add one?

Updates: What are WorldSupporter Updates, and how to create or use them?

Updates: What are WorldSupporter Updates, and how to create or use them?

Why are you making an update?

  • An Update is a content form for private messages. A quick way to share a message with only designated WorldSupporter Moderators or employees.
  • Updates give other WorldSupporter moderators insight into your activities on the WorldSupporter platform and beyond
  • You write an Update to inform your asigned moderator about an activity you have carried out, content that you have added to WorldSupporter or, for example, to draw extra attention to an event.

Examples of Updates are:

  • 'I have just added the latest criminal procedure law board to the other colleges. Note: This lecture contains a number of references to frequently asked exam questions'
  • 'I just started a new Journal to collect all the information about my trip to New Zealand'

How do you make an update?

  • Use the following shortcut => add/update
  • Or use the 'create content' button on the home page or your profile page.
WorldSupporter: FAQ and how to us content and tools - Start
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WorldSupporter: FAQ and how to us content and tools - Start
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