Travel to Iraq to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Iraq

Iraq is a largely unsettled country torn between a glorious past and bloody recent events. While many areas are often unsettled, there are also parts where things are somewhat calmer. Just be aware that the security situation can turn at any time. Despite the great unrest, the Iraqis are known to be very hospitable, and there are several impressive archaeological treasures to be found in the country. 

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Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


  • Groepsrondreizen
  • Individuele rondreizen


  • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...

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Stories, tips and experiences from Iraq


Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Iraq
Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


  • Groepsrondreizen
  • Individuele rondreizen


  • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...

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