WorldSupporter profile of W.Support
Travel & Move: 
World Supporter aims to be a tool to find these wheels
Experience & Leisure: 
Also in international cooperation knowledge is not always shared and available resources are often underused.
Learn & Develop: 
Sharing information and bringing parties together through a practical approach saves time, money and effort.
Help & Change: 
Collaborate and contribute to a tolerant and sustainable world
Work & Initiate: 
The wheels are being reinvented, again and again and by many organizations.
My Latest Activity

For a safe and sustainable travel insurances or emigration services: check JoHo's or WorldSupporter of Insurances abroad  

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Blog ferry

overzettingen van magazine naar blogs

  • Betrokkenheid

Betrokkenheid Betrokkenheid: vrij uitgelegd de mate waarin mensen zich betrokken voelen tot bepaalde zaken in hun omgeving. Tegenwoordig wordt de term veelal geassocieerd met betrokkenheid op de werkvloer, zoals beschr...


Habits in Albania

  • Superstitousness - Albanian are very superstitious people. The evil eye is a superstitious belief. The evil eye means that someone could become jealous or envious of you and your family and do a black magic ritual to bring you bad luck.
  • Other Albanian beliefs are&...


The Mediterranean Sea is surrounded by 16 countries. Of these 16 countries, 6 are in Europe, 5 are in Africa, 4 are in Asia. The 6 European countries that border the Mediterranean are Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Greece, and the island country of Malta and Turkey. The 5 African countries are Egypt,...


Habits and customs in Argentina

  • Tango is not just a dance to me. The tango is sensitive and it is based on improvisation. When going to tango events, I always wish to be more feminine in life. Dancing through life with high heels and a nice dress. In Buenos Aires they dance on the streets, ...