What is a standard deviation?

A standard deviation (SD) is a statistical measure that quantifies the amount of variation or spread of data points around the mean (average) in a dataset. It expresses how much, on average, each data point deviates from the mean, providing a more informative understanding of data dispersion compared to the simple range.

Formula of the standard deviation:

\[ s = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \overline{x})^2} . \]


  • s represents the standard deviation
  • xi​ is the value of the $i$th data point
  • xˉ is the mean of the dataset
  • N is the total number of data points

Key points:

  • Unit: The standard deviation is measured in the same units as the original data, making it easier to interpret compared to the variance (which is squared).
  • Interpretation: A larger standard deviation indicates greater spread, meaning data points are further away from the mean on average. Conversely, a smaller standard deviation suggests data points are clustered closer to the mean.
  • Applications: Standard deviation is used in various fields to analyze data variability, assess normality of distributions, compare groups, and perform statistical tests.

Advantages over the range:

  • Considers all data points: Unlike the range, which only focuses on the extremes, the standard deviation takes into account every value in the dataset, providing a more comprehensive picture of variability.
  • Less sensitive to outliers: While outliers can still influence the standard deviation, they have less impact compared to the range, making it a more robust measure.


  • The standard deviation is just one measure of variability, and it's essential to consider other factors like the shape of the data distribution when interpreting its meaning.
  • Choosing the appropriate measure of variability depends on your specific data and research question.
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