Travel to Fiji to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Fiji: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Fiji?

  • Fiji consists of more than 300 large and small islands. It is therefore a popular beach vacation destination for many travelers, divers and surfers. And don't forget to go off-the-beaten-path and discover the real culture of Fiji with its friendly people, beautiful dances, traditional spear fishing and delicious food. 

Studying in Fiji?

  • Fiji has three universities, with not very high rankings. That said, there are great study options and you can spend your student time on the beautiful islands. 

Internship in Fiji?

  • There are limited internship opportunities in Fiji. As a foreigner, you will mainly find internships with the major hotel chains. 

Volunteering in Fiji?

  • Get to work with children, in education, marine research or construction. 

Work in Fiji?

  • If you want to find a job in Fiji you have the best chance in tourism, hospitality, banking and agriculture.

Working as a digital nomad in Fiji?

  • Fiji is an attractive destination for digital nomads with its beautiful beaches, wonderful climate and wonderful culture. Working in Fiji may feel like working from paradise. 

Living in Fiji?

  • Gorgeous beaches, beautiful nature, living in Fiji is definitely not a punishment. There is plenty to do, the people are friendly and welcoming and the amenities are good! However, it can be difficult to cope with the great economic inequality and annual cyclones. 

Supporting content

Fiji: Updates & Travel

Fiji: Updates & Travel

Travel in Fiji?

  • Fiji consists of more than 300 large and small islands. The white beaches, deep blue sea and most beautiful coral reefs make Fiji a popular vacation destination for tourists looking for peace and beach. Fiji also offers opportunities for the active traveler such as fierce surf, and plenty of sailing, surfing, and hiking.
  • Instead of staying on the main island of Viti Levu, go “island hopping”: take a boat to several islands, staying on each island for a few days in a resort or bungalow.
  • Go snorkeling in a cave, where to get to the next room, you have to swim some distance underwater.
  • Fiji is the place to be for surfing! Most spots are reefbreaks (the waves break above a coral reef) and can only be reached by boat. For beginners, this may not be such a good idea!
  • Sailing and windsurfing are also possible in Fiji. Many resorts rent equipment and run courses.
  • Go Scuba Diving in the most beautiful places: Fiji is one of the best places in the Pacific for scuba diving.
  • Taveuni: trails have been laid out on this island and you can do beautiful trekking, or even a challenging climb.
  • Fiji Museum: check out the extensive archaeological collection dating back over 3.5 thousand years.
  • Yasawas: island group north of Viti Levu, where many tourists go and stay on different islands.
  • Mamanucas: island group located a little closer to Viti Levu, also on the northwest side, very convenient to reach by boat.
  • Be prepared that there are Impassable roads outside the tourist area.
  • Fiji is not cheap.
  • The political situation is unstable - but you generally don't notice much of that as a traveler.
  • Severe storms are possible in the rainy season (December - March).

Updates Fiji

  • More about Fiji, updates and contributions, see the link below.
Supporting content:
Fiji Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Fiji Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


Content about Fiji on WorldSupporter

Fiji: Updates & Travel

Fiji: Updates & Travel

Travel in Fiji?

  • Fiji consists of more than 300 large and small islands. The white beaches, deep blue sea and most beautiful coral reefs make Fiji a popular vacation destination for tourists looking for peace and beach. Fiji also offers opportunities for the active traveler such as fierce surf, and plenty of sailing, surfing, and hiking.
  • Instead of staying on the main island of Viti Levu, go “island hopping”: take a boat to several islands, staying on each island for a few days in a resort or bungalow.
  • Go snorkeling in a cave, where to get to the next room, you have to swim some distance underwater.
  • Fiji is the place to be for surfing! Most spots are reefbreaks (the waves break above a coral reef) and can only be reached by boat. For beginners, this may not be such a good idea!
  • Sailing and windsurfing are also possible in Fiji. Many resorts rent equipment and run courses.
  • Go Scuba Diving in the most beautiful places: Fiji is one of the best places in the Pacific for scuba diving.
  • Taveuni: trails have been laid out on this island and you can do beautiful trekking, or even a challenging climb.
  • Fiji Museum: check out the extensive archaeological collection dating back over 3.5 thousand years.
  • Yasawas: island group north of Viti Levu, where many tourists go and stay on different islands.
  • Mamanucas: island group located a little closer to Viti Levu, also on the northwest side, very convenient to reach by boat.
  • Be prepared that there are Impassable roads outside the tourist area.
  • Fiji is not cheap.
  • The political situation is unstable - but you generally don't notice much of that as a traveler.
  • Severe storms are possible in the rainy season (December - March).

Updates Fiji

  • More about Fiji, updates and contributions, see the link below.


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Fijian Cassava cake

Preparation Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Pour into greased 9x9 pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 40-50 minutes or until brown on top and tester comes out clean. If you have cassava root, grate it in a food processor and boil it for about 5 minutes to be able to use it in the recipe. Enjoy with a...


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Activities abroad: home bundle

Main content and contributions for activities abroad

,,,accommodations, adventure activities, courses, internships, jobs and volunteer projects help another, travel with care, work together , learn

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Activities abroad: home page

Activities abroad: home page

From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

      Work Abroad, Work Experience Abroad & Intern Abroad


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      Er is geen toeristenvisum nodig voor Fiji. Bij binnenkomst krijg je een stempel, waarmee je een stempel van maximaal 4 maanden krijgt. Deze kan ter plaatse nog met maximaal 2 maanden verlengd worden. Hoelang de stempel precies geldig is, hangt af van de datum die je onward/returnticket aangeeft. Het...

      Fiji: Updates & Travel
      • Travel in Fiji?
      • Updates Fiji
      • Travel in Fiji?

        • Fiji consists of more than 300 large and small islands. The white beaches, deep blue sea and most beautiful coral reefs make Fiji a popular vacation destination for tourists looking for peace and beach. Fiji also of...

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      Countries & Destinations: home bundle

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      Europe: country bundles

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      Vets Beyond Borders

      Vets Beyond Borders is een stichting voor dierenwelzijn die vrijwillige dierenartsen en dierenartsassistenten inzet om de levens van dieren en ontwikkelingsgemeenschappen over de hele wereld te verbeteren met een focus op Oceanië en Azië.


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      Organizations & Services: home bundle

      Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about organizations and their products and services help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with

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      Organizations: home page

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      Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle

      Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about the study assistance and summaries help another, work together, learn to share and inspire with your experience

      Summaries: home page

      Summaries: home page


      Home page for the use of summaries on WorldSupporter

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information about using and finding summaries of study books, scientific articles, academic concepts and practice exams on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public

      Where to go next?

      What to find below?

      • Summaries per study and study field
      • Summaries per type and form
        • How to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?
        • How and why would you use summaries?
        • Finding summaries practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter
        • Quicklinks to fields of study for summaries and study assistance
      • Main theme pages for learn and study
      • FAQ: questions and answers about summaries
      Summaries: per type and form

      Summaries: per type and form

      Home page for summaries by type and form

      • Summary sort: Study books, Scientific articles, Academic Concepts
      • Areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
      • Access: This study guide contains exclusive and publicly available study materials
      Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

      Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

      Summaries for business organization and economics

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      Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

      Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

      Summaries for communication, information and marketing

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      Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations

      Summaries: home page for international relations and international organizations


      Summaries for international relations, international organizations and international politics

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      Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

      Summaries: home page for IT, logistics and technology

      Summaries for IT, Logistics and Technology

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      • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
      Summaries: home page for law and administration

      Summaries: home page for law and administration

      Summaries for law and administration

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      Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

      Summaries: home page for leisure, sports and tourism

      Summaries for leisure, sports and tourism

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: summaries and study notes on WorldSupporter
      • Study area: leisure, sports, coaching, tourism
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

      Where to go next?

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      • Highlighted Summaries of study books and materials + Study flash cards around the subject
      Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

      Summaries: home page for medicine and healthcare

      Notes, summaries, study assistance and exams for medicine and health care

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      Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences

      Summaries: home page for psychology and behavioral sciences


      Summaries for psychology and behavioral sciences

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for Psychology and Behavioral Sciences on WorldSupporter
      • Study area: Psychology and behavioral sciences
      • Language: English
      • Access: public

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      Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

      Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

      Summaries for society, culture and arts

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, Religion, Social studies, Sociology, amongst others
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      Summaries: home page for statistics, research and science

      Summaries: home page for statistics, research and science


      Summaries for research, science and statistics

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for research, statistics and science on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Research methods and Research design, Statistics and Data analysis Methods, Theory of Science and Philosophy of science per study field (e.g. business, economics, psychology, pedagogy and social sciences)
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

      Where to go next?

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      Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

      Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

      Taking and passing exams, using study tips and learning to study

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information for exams, exam tips and study tips on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

      Where to go next?

      What to find below?

      • Highlighted content concerning exams, exam tips and study tips




      Er is geen toeristenvisum nodig voor Fiji. Bij binnenkomst krijg je een stempel, waarmee je een stempel van maximaal 4 maanden krijgt. Deze kan ter plaatse nog met maximaal 2 maanden verlengd worden. Hoelang de stempel precies geldig is, hangt af van de datum die je onward/returnticket aangeeft. Het...

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