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Summary & Study Notes related to Biology & Biological Sciences
Summary: Essential Cell Biology (Alberts et al) - Second part

This summary is based on the 3rd edition of Essential Cell Biology from Alberts et al. The first 10 chapters are open access and can be found here: First part of the summary

  • 11. Membrane structure
  • 12. Membrane transport
  • 13. How cells obtain energy from food
  • ...

Summary: Essential Cell Biology (Alberts et al) - First part

This summary is based on the 3rd edition of Essential Cell Biology from Alberts et al. The remaining chapters can be accessed when logged in and can be found here: Second part of the summary

  • 1. Introduction to cells
  • 2. Chemical components of cells
  • 3. Energy...

What are chromatides?

Chromatides are the two identical copies of a chromosome that are joined together at a specific region called the centromere after DNA replication during cell division (mitosis or meiosis). They represent the sister copies of the genetic information contained within a single chromosome. What are the...

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