WorldSupporter profile of Floortje Bastian
Travel & Move: 
My most special experience during one of my travels must have been when I was around 9 to 10 years old and my family and I went to China where I was born.
It was such an extraordinary experience to go back there with my adoptive family.
Experience & Leisure: 
Learn & Develop: 
One of the most important things during your studies for me has to be personal development.
I like to contribute to your personal development through some tips and summaries for some Psychology courses.
Help & Change: 
I support World Supporter by sharing my profile and content.
Work & Initiate: 
During my gap year in 2021-2022 I did a board year at my student assoication DAC in Leiden.
This meant that I could, with my other board members, create a safe and fun space for students in Leiden to get to know eachother and develop their personal and professional skills.
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Summaries and Study Notes for and by WorldSupporters of Emile

The Starting page

  • Pedagogiek: Leiden - Bachelor en Masters UL - Samenvattingen en studiehulp

The Statistic page Statistiek: samenvattingen en studiehulp - WorldSupporter Start The Assortment pages Assortimentwijzer Pedagogische Wetenschappen Bachelor 1 - Semester 1 UL Leide...

Cooperation and connection with JoHo WorldSupporter
  • Cooperating with JoHo: supporting JoHo
  • Cooperating with JoHo: being supported by JoHo
  • Cooperating with JoHo: insurances through JoHo
  • Cooperating with JoHo: benefits from JoHo's World Supporter platform
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