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    Soms zijn er coachingstools die je vanuit een bepaalde context leert, maar veel universeler zijn dan dat. Degene die waar ik je mee naar toe wil nemen in dit blog is de indeling van de 'Talen van de Liefde'. Hoewel liefde stroomt in allerlei verbindingen tussen mensen, denk ik dat het inzicht in de ...

  • Afbeelding: hoe kom ik er achter wat ik wil

    Hoe kom je er in vredesnaam achter wat je wil doen in het leven... Sommigen gaan er bijna vanzelfsprekend doorheen en anderen lopen vast. Maar hoe je het wendt of keert, eenieder wordt geconfronteerd met levenskeuzes in haar leven. Wat wil ik doen in mijn leven? Waar word ik gelukkig van? Wat voor ...

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    Ik was een jaar of 11, 12 misschien. Ik besteedde er uren aan. Ja echt, uren. Per week, soms. Aan wat? Computeren? Nee, dat was toen...een andere tijd. Aan meisjes? Nope, te vroeg nog toen. ;-) Aan piano spelen? Ook niet. Ik zat destijds nog vol in 'de blokfluit'. En tafeltennis, andere ho...

  • open dag tefl cursus italie

    Education Category: Language Ages: 4-8, 8-12 A very practical way of teaching your students the verbs of movement is to let your students say the words with you as you make the movements together. You can use this for example to teach verbs like 'walk', 'stop', 'jump' and 'sit down'.

  • teacher in class of students

    Education Category: Language Ages: 4-8, 8-12, 12-16 A way for students to get to know each other in a new setting is to let them find someone who has had a specific experience. The students will ask each other predetermined questions, such as: 'Look for someone who has...'

    • visited another ...

Spotlight Bundles
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Spotlight Media
  • Motivational interviewing - video

    This video regards the spirit of motivational interviewing. This is what you can keep in mind while making a plan of action with your client.

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    In this video, Lucy gives 5 tips that you can use to practice your English every day. Some of them are quite original, so I thought I'd share them! The tips she mentions in the video are: 1) Follow an audio soap-opera: Listen 10-15 minutes every day to a soap every day, a show that deals with regula...

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    Inmiddels is het alweer bijna een jaar geleden dat we elkaar voor het eerst ontmoetten op de voorbereidingsdag. In het begin was het nog een beetje onwennig: we kenden elkaar nog niet, maar we wisten al wel dat we een hele bijzondere reis zouden maken samen. En wat ben ik blij dat ik met deze geweld...

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Spotlight Tips & Tickets
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    Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes

    1. Boil the potatoes in a large pan of salted water until very soft. Drain and set to one side to cool down and steam dry. Once cool, mash until smooth.
    2. Put the cold mashed potato into a large bowl. Add the flour, egg and a good pinch of sa...

  • Digital Orientation Day

    Digital Orientation Day  Have you always wondered what it's like to study at the University of Oslo? Then now is your chance to know what it's like!  The University of Oslo does has a Digital Orientation Day which will provide you with important information about studying at the ...

  • Student for a day in Maastricht

    Student for a day in Maastricht If you want to know more about a particular programme, you can sign up to be a student for a day at some faculties.  For whom? The Student for a Day event is intended for students in their final years of secondary school. Some 'Student for a Day' events are ...

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    Inspired by Staycations, see my former blog. And now inspired by a story of my friend in the Philippines. The lockdown is very strict and with christmas being there soon, people in the Philippines meet each other. They meet each other Online through Zoom meetings. They have dinners together. T...

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    Wonen op een tropisch eiland en tegelijk werkervaring opdoen? Met Stage-Global kan je helpen met het regelen van een stage op het tropische Mauritius. Dit eiland ligt midden in de Indische Oceaan en staat bekend om zijn prachtige stranden en multiculturele bevolking. Kortom, een interessante en...

Most Favorite Support & Inspire Suggestions
  • UvA Methodologiewinkel Wiki

    Hulp nodig bij Statistiek en Onderzoeksmethoden? Check out de Methodologiewinkel van de Universiteit van Amsterdam! Op deze wiki vind je informatie over de statistische aspecten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Deze wiki is gemaakt door researchmaster studenten van de opleiding psychologie. Zij hebbe...

  • placki - polish pancake

    Using the coarse side of a box grater, grate the potatoes and place them into a sieve or colander over a bowl. Using the finer side of the grater, grate the onion and add it to the potato. Using the back of a spoon, or even your hands, squeeze out any excess water/juice from the potatoes and onion....

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    Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes

    1. Boil the potatoes in a large pan of salted water until very soft. Drain and set to one side to cool down and steam dry. Once cool, mash until smooth.
    2. Put the cold mashed potato into a large bowl. Add the flour, egg and a good pinch of sa...

  • Book The Number One Ladies' Detective Agency

    The Number one Ladies' Detective Agency written by the Scottish author Alexander McCall Smith is one of my favorites bookseries. It is an easy read and funny. The nice thing is that it is as if you are also in Botswana. The book has been translated in multiple languages, including Dutch. Alexan...

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    One of my friends told me that she blamed herself, for not spending as much time as she wanted with her mom (who is dead now) and I responded: "Guilt is not useful. I know you did what you could, she knows too and sometimes to make other choices to spend time in another way is more important. Just p...

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    Chinees nieuw jaar Het Chinese nieuwjaar is één van de allerbelangrijkste Chinese feestdagen! De meeste Chinezen gaan naar huis om deze dag samen met familie te vieren. Het Chinese nieuw jaar is ook wel het Lentefeest. Het feest begint goed met het aflossen van schulden, een schoo...

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Spotlight Summaries & Study Notes
  • Education and pedagogic sciences: The best textbooks summarized

    Education and pedagogic sciences: The best textbooks summarized Summaries and study assistance with Education and pedagogic sciences

    • For 80+ booksummaries for Education & Pedagogic Sciences, see the supporting content of this study guide

    Table of Content

    • Child Abu...

  • What makes a good leader? - Chapter 6

    In most studies, it is assumed that leadership is something that is learned. Leaders' behaviors can be divided into two broad categories: initiating structure and consideration. A takeaway of this chapter is that leaders need to be flexible and adapt to both followers and the situation they are in. ...

  • Why is every success story you read or hear often wrong? - Chapter 19

    The concept of a ‘narrative fallacy’ was introduced by Nassim Taleb and describes how flawed stories of the past influence our current views and future expectations. An explanation is considered more appealing if it’s concrete, assigns a significant role to talent, intentions or ig...

Most Favorite Support & Inpire Supply and Demand
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    What can I find on this page? On this page, you can find a summary for all the study materials you need for the developmental specialization of the Psychology bachelor's programme at the University of Amsterdam. There is a link for all the separate courses. The courses have been organized into ...

  • SPSS samenvatting

    Deze bundel bevat een samenvatting van SPSS en is gebaseerd op de 24e versie. De volgende delen zijn beschikbaar: Wat is SPSS: een introductie (1) Definities en begrippen in SPSS (2) Afhankelijke en onafhankelijke variabelen (3) Meetschalen van variabelen (4) Gemiddelden berekenen (5) Variantie bere...

  • Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
    • Chapter 1: Basic concepts of marketing
    • Chapter 2: Strategic marketing partners
    • Chapter 3: The marketing environment
    • Chapter 4: Customer insights
    • Chapter 5: Consumer buyer behaviour
    • Chapter 6: Business markets
    • Chapter 7: Customer-dr...
  • Summary of International Law by Shaw: 7th edition
    • Chapter A The nature and development of international law
    • Chapter B International law today
    • Chapter C Sources
    • Chapter D The subjects of international law
    • Chapter E Recognition
    • Chapter F Jurisdiction
    • Chapter G Territory
    • Cha...
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