Self-disclosure refers to the voluntary and verbal communication of personal information to the targeted recipient. It can differ with regards to frequency (1), breadth (2) and depth (3). The frequency of self-disclosure refers to the amount of information revealed. The breadth of disclosure refers to the range or diversity of self-disclosure topics. The depth of self-disclosure refers to the intimacy of personal information divulged. The social penetration theory states that changes in self-disclosure between partners are integral to and indicative of relationship growth and decline. As a relationship progresses, there is a greater breadth and depth of disclosures. The social identity model of deindividuation (SIDE) states that people have a personal and a social self. It states that the lack of individuating cues in online environments dilutes the perception of difference between partners engaged in social exchanges, making social identity salient and others’ behaviours are seen as representative of the group norm. Self-disclosure thus results from perceived norms of self-disclosure. The social context dictates the influences of perceived norms of self-disclosure. The hyperpersonal CMC theory states that a lack of individuating cues in online environments allows participants greater control in their self-representation (1) and can create idealized perceptions of their partner (2). This can lead to the perception of an exaggerated intimacy, leading to more self-disclosure.The reduced cues theory (RCT) states that cues are indicative of the social context and its associated norms and behavioural etiquette. In online environments, people self-disclosure more because the cues of the immediate reaction of the partner are absent (e.g. non-verbal cues, situational cues). The social information processing theory (SIP) states that cues are conduits for communication, not representatives of social norms. There is increased self-disclosure online...

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      WorldSupporter Resources
      Psychology and the New Media - Article Summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

      Psychology and the New Media - Article Summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


      ​​​​​​This bundle contains a summary of all the articles for the course "Psychology and the New Media" given at the "University of Amsterdam". It includes the following articles:

      • “Bartels & Herman (2019). Media research: Is violent media making us more aggressive?” 
      • Brewer (2011). Media violence.” 
      • “Giles (2010). History of the mass media.” 
      • “Behm-Morawitz & Ortiz (2013).” Race, ethnicity, and the media. 
      • “Heath (2011). Portrayal of crime.” 
      • Scharrer (2013). Representations of gender in the media.” 
      • Nabi & Moyer-Guse (2013). The psychology underlying media-based persuasion.”
      • “Roozenbeek & Van der Linden (2018). The
      ...Read more
      Psychology and the New Media - Course summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

      Psychology and the New Media - Course summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


      This course consists of a summary of the course "Psychology and the New Media" given at the "University of Amsterdam". It contains a summary of each week, which includes both the lectures and the articles. The following articles are provided per week: 

      Week 1:
      Giles (2019); Brewer (2011); Bartels & Herman (2019)

      Week 2:
      Heath (2011); Behm-Morawitz & Ortiz (2013); Scharrer (2013)

      Week 3:
      Nabi & Moyer-Guse (2013); Schrum (2012); Roozenbeek et al. (2018)

      Week 4:
      Malamuth (2013); Nguyen et al. (2012); Finkel et al. (2012); Rieger (2017)

      Week 5:
      Segovia & Bailenson (2013);

      ...Read more