Travel to Guatemala to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work, or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?
Travel, living and working in Guatemala Guatemala, land of Maya people, mysterious traditions and amazing landscapes. Tikal, the Mayan center, in the jungle full of howler monkeys, together with the very colorful Guatemalan population, is the main attraction. Antigua is the place where many Spanish courses are given and where it is pleasant to stay. Chichi has something magical, Flores,....... read more
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Celas Maya JulitaBonita contributed on 13-06-2018 14:00
I took a Spanish course with Celas Maya, in Xela (it was organized by the University of Utrecht, as part of a study program). I really liked the course. Celas Maya also organizes fun excursions to discover the surroundings. Like the hot springs, Tajumulco etc. I did that for one month and the moved to San Felipe, a village down south close to Retahuleu. I did field research there about school dropout in rural areas and worked together with CEIPA.
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