I am probably not alone when I state the wonderfull feeling coffee gives to my sleepy morning head. It is the first thing I do when ever I make it to the kitchen in the early morning, and if I do not have the time to make this liquid gold myself, I grab one on the way to where ever. 

Althought those these take away coffee cups are made recycable, fact remains that this isn't the best way to support the environment as we learned recycling is also very polluting. Ben Mellinger has an answer to this problem in the form of the Smashable coffee cup with the matching name; SMASH CUP.

The cup is still a Kickstarter project, but already raised more then enough money to turn in to a real product. It is a leak-proof and environmental friendly product. This portable travel cup offers the users the opportunity to contribute to a better world and is very easy in use. But the most remarkable quality of this cup must be the elimination of waste. In short; it is greener, easier and saves you money. A real word supporting product.

I am waiting for this product to come to the market since this does not only fit my needs and lifestyle, it fits a World Supporter perfectly.


Comments, Compliments & Kudos

Love the concept, thanks for

Love the concept, thanks for sharing :)

Hi Dana,

thank you! Looks like they are gonna produce it really soon, and it only cost 18dollars, so that would be around 12euro's. I'm definitely gonna get one! cheers xx

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