WorldSupporter profile of emmarie
Travel & Move: 
My most special experience during my travel is I help the poor people within my capability.
Experience & Leisure: 
I teach a basic computer lesson to my students during my leisure time.
Learn & Develop: 
When I was a student I used to help my friends.
Help & Change: 
Every time I see racism I protest against the racist.
Work & Initiate: 
During my work time I give my 100% to my company.
My Latest Activity
Ecological sexuality: protect the planet and your health

The environmental movement, defender of the environment and committed to the health of the human being in balance with natural ecosystems, every day has more followers who recognize the importance of caring for the planet and not aggravating the environmental crisis that devastates it, as well as th...

The Concept of Zero Defects in Quality Management | Lean Six Sigma

Everyone at some point in time watched a calming video where things were done to perfection. In real life that is still a distant dream which many companies aspire to reach. With this in mind, the concept of Six Sigma was introduced. Saying this made so many lives so much easier would be an underst...

A lady in depression

A man constantly strives to attain a stage of a balanced life, professionally as well as personally. However, in this race, people tend to neglect the fact that they can never pour from an empty cup. Thus, to attain their professional ambitions, a person should be mentally and physically sound to gi...

How To Teach Your Kids To Love The City You Live In

Whether you’re trying to get your kids to love the city you grew up in or the city they’re growing up in, the below tips are bound to make your kids grow fonder of your city.   Image Source:pixabay It’s Not About Teaching…It’s Showing First off, it’s never...

Tips To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

We often hear the phrase, “it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to live longer”. But what really is a “healthy lifestyle”? Does it merely involve eating right and working out or is there more to the picture? There are several things that contribute to impr...

Latest Activity of My Favorites
Cooperation and connection with JoHo WorldSupporter
  • Cooperating with JoHo: supporting JoHo
  • Cooperating with JoHo: being supported by JoHo
  • Cooperating with JoHo: insurances through JoHo
  • Cooperating with JoHo: benefits from JoHo's World Supporter platform
  • Cooperating with JoHo: supporting JoHo B...