Studiegids met artikelsamenvattingen voor Vaders aan de Universiteit Leiden

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Samenvattingen per artikel bij Vaders

  • Samenvattingen bij 11 voorgeschreven artikelen voor Vaders 2023/2024
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  • Integrating father involvement in parenting research - Pleck - 2012 - Artikel
  • Paternal stimulation and father-infant attachment - Olsavsky et al. - 2020 - Artikel
  • Do toddlers prefer the primary caregiver or the parent with whom they feel more secure? The role of toddler emotion - Umemura et al. - 2013 - Artikel
  • The adaptive human parental brain: implications for children's social development - Feldman - 2015- Artikel
  • Exploring the hormonal and neural correlates of paternal protective behavior to their infants - Lotz et al. - 2020 - Artikel
  • Dads: Progress in understanding the neuroendocrine basis of human fathering behavior - Storey et al. - 2020 - Artikel
  • Father involvement during early childhood: A systematic review of the literature - Diniz et al. - 2021 - Artikel
  • Early attachment organization with both parents and future behavior problems: From infancy to middle childhood - Kochanska & Kim - 2013 - Artikel
  • Fathers matter: The role of father parenting in preschoolers’ executive function development - Meuwissen & Carlson- 2015 - Artikel
  • Fathers, fathering and child psychopathology - Barker et al.- 2017 - Artikel
  • Fathers' behaviors and children's psychopathology - Flouri - 2010 - Artikel

Gerelateerde samenvattingen en studiehulp

Check supporting content in full:
Integrating father involvement in parenting research - Pleck - 2012 - Artikel
Paternal stimulation and father-infant attachment - Olsavsky et al. - 2020 - Artikel
Do toddlers prefer the primary caregiver or the parent with whom they feel more secure? The role of toddler emotion - Umemura et al. - 2013 - Artikel
Artikelsamenvatting bij The adaptive human parental brain: implications for children's social development van Feldman - 2015
Exploring the hormonal and neural correlates of paternal protective behavior to their infants - Lotz et al. - 2020 - Artikel
Dads: Progress in understanding the neuroendocrine basis of human fathering behavior - Storey et al. - 2020 - Artikel
Father involvement during early childhood: A systematic review of the literature - Diniz et al. - 2021 - Artikel
Early attachment organization with both parents and future behavior problems: From infancy to middle childhood - Kochanska & Kim - 2013 - Artikel
Fathers matter: The role of father parenting in preschoolers’ executive function development - Meuwissen & Carlson- 2015 - Artikel
Fathers' behaviors and children's psychopathology - Flouri - 2010 - Artikel
Fathers, fathering and child psychopathology - Barker et al.- 2017 - Artikel
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