Artificial Intelligence and Neurocognition - Leiden University, 2019
Lecture 1: Introduction
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Cognitive psychology:
- The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason and act
Artificial intelligence:
- The study of how to build or program computers to enable them to do what minds can do
AI and other scientific disciplines
AI ≠ psychology and AI ≠ computer science
However, AI draws from these disciplines:
- AI puts greater emphasis on computation than psychology
- AI puts greater emphasis on perception, reasoning, and action than computer science
So why AI in psychology?
Psychology is one big inverse problem: we try to reason about the mind but we can't really measure it
-We have a set of observations (behavior, psychophysiological measurements, EEG, fMRI, etc.)
-We then try to infer the processes producing such observations
-Such inferences are limited, and sometimes even impossible to make
AI can use forward modeling
-We design a (simple) system, and see how that behaves
-Examples: cognitive robotics
-This is where AI and computational psychology meet
How did the field of AI develop?
Philosophy of mind
How does the physical brain give rise to the mental mind?
-René Descartes (1596–1650): dualism, because the mind is not physical
- Materialists: wrong! All mental states are caused by (or identical to) physical states
John Searle: a collection of cells can lead to thought/action/consciousness
Consciousness requires actual physicalchemical properties of actual human brains
Only brains cause minds!
Chinese Room Experiment (Searle):
I am situated in a room containing only a large book and a door under which pieces of paper can be passed
Chinese people on the outside of the room can ask me questions by writing them down and passing pieces of paper under the door
The large book contains every possible question– answer mapping, so I can answer (in Chinese!) all questions correctly
Rule-based manipulation of symbols does not constitute intelligence: the inhabitant of the Chinese room does not understand Chinese (weak AI)
Chinese room criticism: AI really is “the ongoing research program of showing Searle’s Chinese Room Argument to be false” (Hayes)
No matter how intelligent machine behavior may seem, it does not reflect true intelligence or sentience
Strong AI
“The appropriately programmed computer with the right inputs and outputs would thereby have a mind in exactly the same sense human beings have minds”
Strong AI proponents believe that intelligent systems can actually think
Most people believe that strong AI should have a connectionist architecture (later)
Can machines think?
- “The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.” —Edsger Dijkstra
In other words: are we asking the right questions?
- Strong AI assumes that the human mind is an information processing system, and that thinking is a form of computing
-The mind as an information processor is one of the basic tenets of cognitive psychology
Important dates within AI:
1st phase:
1943 Walter–Pitts neuron:
Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts’ three principles:
1. Basic physiology
2. Propositional logic
3. Turing’s theory of computation
-Any computable function can be computed by a network of neurons
-All logical operators can be implemented by simple neural networks
1950 Computing Machinery and Intelligence:
Turing’s (1950) imitation game: a machine is intelligent if we cannot distinguish it from a human in conversation
It makes no claims about the underlying mechanisms
-How does the judge determine intelligence in a Turing test? By complex grammatical structures and realistic world knowledge (De Kleijn et al, 2018)
1951 SNARC: neural net machine designed by Minsky - First neural network computer with 40 neurons
1956 Dartmouth Conferences - the birth of AI:
Pioneers in the fields of computer science, mathematics and cognitive science got together for a month-long conference at Dartmouth College
Here they coined the term: artificial intelligence
In the 50s and 60s: there's several successes.
Computers playing checkers, proving theorems
Invention of Lisp, the dominant high-level AI language
Neural network (connectionist) research was pushed to the background
Intelligence is thought of as symbols and the relations between them:
-Symbolic AI (GOFAI) does not concern itself with neurophysiology
-Human thinking is a kind of symbol manipulation --> IF (A > B) AND (B > C) THEN (A > C)
-Knowledge-based, or expert systems were hugely successful
2nd phase:
1965 ELIZA
Weizenbaum (1965): ELIZA was an early natural language processor
Used simple techniques to create the illusion of understanding
Regardless, some people felt like the computer did understand them: "“Computers can have conversations!”
“It was meant to mimic a psychotherapist, which allowed it to adopt the pose of knowing almost nothing of the real world.”:
- ELIZA looks for keywords in its input - Father, mother, boyfriend, girlfriend, angry, sad, happy, etc.
-Using a database of rules, new sentences are constructed using these words
--> “I hate my father.”
--> “Why do you hate your father?”
-What if there are no keywords present in the input?
-->“I see.” or “Please go on.”
The anthropomorphization (humanization) of computers is just a mind trick
Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver: an automated planner
Realization of goals
Divide the task into subgoals, identify necessary actions
Early action planners were susceptible to the Sussman anomaly:
Goal stack planning
In the problem, three blocks (labeled A, B, and C) rest on a table. The agent must stack the blocks such that A is atop B, which in turn is atop C. However, it may only move one block at a time.
This problem is illustarted well here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sussman_anomaly
1972 PARRY:
Kenneth Colby (1972, Stanford): modified Turing test
PARRY simulated a patient with paranoid schizophrenia
- Ofen inconsistent or meaningless sentences, but therefore realistic!
33 psychiatrists were asked to classify transcripts of conversations with PARRY or paranoid schizophrenics - only 48% were correct
1972 MYCIN:
A system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert
Example: MYCIN (Stanford, 1970s) was designed to diagnose and recommend treatment for certain blood infections
Simple if–then rules with certainty factors
MYCIN reached an accuracy of ~69%, which was better than physicians at Stanford Medical School (it was never used in practice due to ethical and legal difficulties)
1974–1980s AI winter: no funding for AI research
Many unanswered questions: how do we deal with perception, robotics, learning and pattern recognition?
AI is not that powerful - example of translation:
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak - The vodka is good but the meat is rotten
Symbolic AI does not suffice:
-It is unclear how processes like pattern recognition would work in a purely symbolic way
-Representations dealing with noisy input are needed
3rd phase:
1986 PDP handbook
After the AI winter, connectionism was revived with the Rumelhart & McClelland PDP (parallel distributed processing) research group.
3 main pros of connectionism:
1. Biologically inspired: Connectionism is based on the structure of the human brain. Recognizes that parallel processing takes place (and is more efficient)
2. Lesion tolerant: Lesioned or damaged networks can still process information
3. Capable of generalization: ANNs (aritficial neural networks) are capable of learning, and are able to generalize rules to novel input
Human memory is content-addressable
First explicit theory on data storage in the brain
Memory is not stored in neurons, but in the connections between them
There are excitatory and inhibitory connections
But how do these neural networks compute anything?
- Neurons output a signal based on their input signal
-Multi-layer perceptrons are able to implement all logical operators, such as AND, OR, XOR
Connectionism is usefeul becuase it allows us to:
-Find properties of one particular member
-Identify a member by properties
-Identify general characteristics of members of a gang, or members with a certain characteristic. This shows generalization.
-Have a visual demonstration
-No a priori assumption about problem space or statistical distribution
-Artificial neural networks can compute any computable function (remember McCulloch & Pitts!)
-Pattern recognition
Connectionist AI principles:
-Mental states are represented as N-dimensional vectors of numeric activation values over neural network units
-Memory is created by modifying the connection strength (weight) between units
1997 Deep Blue vs. Kasparov
1997: first time a computer (IBM’s Deep Blue) beat a grandmaster at chess in a tournament
2005: last time a human beat a top chess computer under tournament conditions
2009: an HTC Touch HD running chess sofware equals Deep Blue’s performance
4th phase
2010s Deep reinforcement learning
Data mining offers huge quantities of data
Deep learning offers representation at many levels
Bayesian networks deal with uncertain knowledge
Deep reinforcement learning can learn to act from rich, noisy data:
-Adding more layers adds to dimensionality of classification
-Multiple representations offer multiple levels of abstraction
-Recurrent connections can maintain context, temporal information
-Combination is hot topic: Google is investigating motion classification and content classification
2012 :Personal assistants Siri, Google Go
Sofware used deep reinforcement learning
2015 :AlphaGo
2016: Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo defeated the world’s number one player
What next? Machine learning
If we don’t want to preprogram all knowledge, systems should be able to learn.
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E
Types of learning
Supervised learning
- External knowledgable supervisor presents the system with correctly labeled training data
Unsupervised learning
-Discover hidden structure in data without labeled data
Reinforcement learning
-Learning from a feedback signal
- Determining group membership based on input data
- Does this MRI image of someone’s head show a brain tumor?
- Predict outcome data based on input data
- Given its location, surface area, and number of rooms, can we predict the value of this house?
Philosophical implications:
- Weak AI: machines can simulate human intelligence using clever tricks
- Strong AI: a well-programmed machine that exactly emulates the human brain is a mind, and thereby intelligent
Approaches to AI:
- Symbolic AI: intelligent behavior through manipulation of symbols
- Connectionist AI: representations in the brain are distributed, processing massively parallel
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