Samenvattingen voor politicologie en democratie


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Samenvattingen voor de studie politicologie en beleidskunde

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Politics and Democracy

Politics and Democracy

What is politics?

  • Politics is the process of making decisions for a group, like a country. It involves people debating ideas, negotiating compromises, and wielding power to achieve desired outcomes.

What is political science?

  • Political science is the academic study of politics. It analyzes how governments function, power is distributed, and policies are created and implemented.


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Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor politiek en democratie samengevat
Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor politieke filosofie en politieke theorie samengevat

Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor politieke filosofie en politieke theorie samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Politieke filosofie en politieke theorie


Over politieke filosofie en politieke theorie

  • Politieke filosofie en theorie onderzoekt fundamentele vragen over politiek en samenleven, zoals: Wat is de beste manier om een samenleving te organiseren? Wat is rechtvaardigheid? Wat zijn de rechten en plichten van burgers?
Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor politieke en economische geschiedenis samengevat

Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor politieke en economische geschiedenis samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Politieke- en economische geschiedenis



  • Samenvatting bij het boek: A history of modern Europe: Volume 1 van Merriman
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: A History of Western Society: Volume C, From the Revolutionary era to the present van McKay
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Challenging Global Inequality van Greig e.a.
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Een kennismaking met de Oude Wereld van Blois en Van der Spek
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Een korte geschiedenis van de middeleeuwen van Rosewein
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden van Blom en Lamberts
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Medieval Europe. A Short History van Bennett en Hollister - 11e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Politiek in een veranderende wereld van Erk - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: The Birth of the Modern World van Bayly


  • Summary with the book: A history of the modern world by Palmer
  • Summary with the book: Roman Empire: An introduction by Kamm - 2nd edition

Over Politieke- en economische geschiedenis

  • Politieke en economische geschiedenis verdiept zich in de relaties tussen overheden, machtsstructuren en economische systemen. Het onderzoekt hoe deze krachten elkaar beïnvloeden en zo samenlevingen en grote gebeurtenissen door de tijd heen vormgeven.
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From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

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      • Hoofdstuk 1 De grondwet van Nederland
      • Hoofdstuk 2 Minderheden
      • Hoofdstuk 3 politieke partijen en het partijorganisatie
      • Hoofdstuk 4 de verkiezingen
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      What is democracy?

      What is democracy?

      Democracy isn't a standalone field, but rather a concept studied across various disciplines. Political science takes the lead, examining its structures, functions, and challenges. Philosophy explores its theoretical foundations and justifications. History analyzes its evolution and different forms throughout history.

      What are the main features of democracy?

      • Interdisciplinary: Draws from various disciplines to create a comprehensive understanding of democracy.
      • Focus on Popular Rule: Examines how power is vested in the people and exercised through mechanisms like elections and citizen participation.
      • Normative and Empirical: Analyzes the ideals of democracy (normative) and how it functions in practice (empirical).

      What are important sub-areas in democracy?

      • Comparative Politics: Compares different democratic systems (e.g., presidential vs. parliamentary) and their effectiveness.
      • Democratic Theory: Explores different justifications for democracy, its core principles (like liberty and equality), and potential challenges.
      • Political Participation: Analyzes how citizens engage in the democratic process (voting, activism, etc.).
      • Democratization: Studies the processes by which countries transition from non-democratic to democratic systems.

      What are key concepts in democracy?

      • Popular Sovereignty: The supreme power resides with the people.
      • Legitimacy: The government's right to rule is derived from the consent of the governed.
      • Representation: Citizens choose representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
      • Elections: Competitive elections are a cornerstone of democracy.
      • Rule of Law: Everyone, including the government, is subject to the law.
      • Civil Liberties: Fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to citizens (e.g., freedom of speech, assembly, religion).

      Who are influential figures in democracy?

      • Plato and Aristotle: Early philosophers who debated the ideal forms of government and citizen participation.
      • John Locke: Championed social contract theory and individual rights.
      • Montesquieu: Advocated for separation of powers to limit government abuse.
      • James Madison: Key figure in designing the US system of checks and balances.
      • John Stuart Mill: Emphasized individual liberty and freedom of expression.

      Why is democracy important?

      Democracy is crucial because:

      • It promotes individual rights, freedoms, and equality.
      • It encourages citizen participation and political accountability.
      • It provides a peaceful mechanism for transferring power through elections.

      How is democracy applied in practice?

      • Constitution Drafting: Political scientists and legal scholars advise on crafting democratic constitutions that define power structures and citizen rights.
      • Election Monitoring: Experts observe elections to ensure fairness and transparency.
      • Promoting Democratic Values: Organizations and activists work to strengthen democratic institutions and practices around the world.
      • Education and Civic Engagement: Educating citizens about their rights and responsibilities is essential for a functioning democracy.
      What is politics?

      What is politics?

      Politics is the academic discipline that dissects the who, what, when, where, and why of power. It delves into how power is acquired, exercised, and contested within societies.

      What are the main features of politics?

      • Power Analysis: The central theme is understanding power dynamics – who has it, how they use it, and the impact on individuals and societies.
      • Focus on Governance: It examines how societies make decisions, create laws, and manage resources through institutions and processes.
      • Diversity of Approaches: Politics draws from various perspectives, including historical, philosophical, sociological, and economic viewpoints.

      What are important sub-areas in politics?

      • Political Theory: Explores the philosophical underpinnings of politics, like justice, liberty, and democracy.
      • Comparative Politics: Compares different political systems, like democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian regimes.
      • American Politics: Focuses on the specific institutions, actors, and processes of US government.
      • Public Policy: Analyzes how governments create and implement policies to address societal issues.

      Wat are key concepts in politics?

      • Power: The ability to influence others' behavior.
      • State: The legitimate holder of authority within a territory.
      • Government: The institutions and processes that wield state power.
      • Ideology: A set of beliefs about how society should be organized. (e.g., liberalism, socialism, conservatism)
      • Political Participation: The ways citizens engage in the political process (e.g., voting, protesting, campaigning).

      Who are influential figures in politics?

      • Plato: Debated the ideal form of government in his Republic.
      • Aristotle: Analyzed different political systems and the importance of citizen participation.
      • Niccolò Machiavelli: Provided a realist perspective on power politics in The Prince.
      • John Locke: Championed individual rights and social contract theory.
      • Karl Marx: Offered a critique of capitalism and envisioned a communist society.

      Why is politics important?

      Politics is fundamental to understanding the world around us. It helps us:

      • Become Informed Citizens: Understand your rights, responsibilities, and role in shaping society.
      • Critically Analyze Political Events: Decipher political rhetoric and make informed decisions about who to support.
      • Promote Positive Change: Engage in the political process to advocate for your values and improve society.

      How is politics applied in practice?

      • Campaigning: Political consultants and strategists use their knowledge of politics to help candidates win elections.
      • Policymaking: Policy analysts use political knowledge to design and advocate for effective policies.
      • Journalism: Political reporters analyze and explain political events for the public.
      • Activism: Understanding politics empowers individuals and groups to advocate for change in their communities.
      Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for international relations, organizations and politics

      Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for international relations, organizations and politics

      Key terms, definitions and concepts summarized in the field of international relations and politics

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: a selection of terms, definitions and concepts for international relations, organizations and politics
      • Terms: International relations, Politics, Developmental sociology, Development studies, Human rights, Fundamental rights, International organization, Democracy, Public administration, Public policy studies
      • Language: English
      • Access: Public

      Where to go next?

      What to find below?

      • Read on for the key terms and definitions summarized in the field of international relations, organizations and politics sciences
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      What is international relations?

      What is international relations?

      International Relations is the study of interactions that transcend national borders. This includes relations between nation-states, but also encompasses interactions with international organizations (like the UN), NGOs, and even multinational corporations.

      What are the main features of international relations?

      • Interdisciplinary: IR draws from political science, economics, history, law, and other disciplines to understand complex global issues.
      • Global Focus: It looks at the world as a whole, analyzing how different actors interact and influence each other.
      • Focus on Power: A core theme is understanding the distribution and use of power between different actors in the international system.

      What are important sub-areas in international relations?

      • International Security: Examines war, peace, terrorism, and arms control.
      • International Political Economy: Analyzes the global economy, trade, and development.
      • Foreign Policy Analysis: Studies how countries make decisions about their interactions with other states.
      • Global Governance: Investigates how international institutions and agreements shape the world.

      What are key concepts in international relations?

      • Nationalism: The belief that a nation-state is the primary unit of political organization.
      • Globalization: The increasing interconnectedness of the world.
      • Sovereignty: The right of a state to govern itself without external interference.
      • Balance of Power: The idea that states try to maintain a power equilibrium in the international system.

      Who are influential figures in international relations?

      • Niccolò Machiavelli: Pioneered the study of power politics.
      • Hans Morgenthau: A realist theorist who emphasized the importance of national interest.
      • John Locke: Influenced liberal thought in IR, focusing on human rights and cooperation.
      • Max Weber: Helped define the concept of the state.

      Why is international relations important?

      Understanding IR is crucial for navigating the complex world we live in. It helps us:

      • Make sense of global events: From trade wars to pandemics, IR provides frameworks for analysis.
      • Promote cooperation: IR helps identify areas where countries can work together for common good.
      • Address global challenges: Climate change, poverty, and terrorism all require international solutions informed by IR principles.

      How is international relations applied in practice?

      • Diplomacy: Diplomats use IR knowledge to negotiate with other countries.
      • Foreign Policy Making: Governments rely on IR theory to formulate foreign policy.
      • International Organizations: IR scholars work in organizations like the UN to address global issues.
      • Journalism: Journalists use IR frameworks to analyze international events.
      What is politics?

      What is politics?

      Politics is the academic discipline that dissects the who, what, when, where, and why of power. It delves into how power is acquired, exercised, and contested within societies.

      What are the main features of politics?

      • Power Analysis: The central theme is understanding power dynamics – who has it, how they use it, and the impact on individuals and societies.
      • Focus on Governance: It examines how societies make decisions, create laws, and manage resources through institutions and processes.
      • Diversity of Approaches: Politics draws from various perspectives, including historical, philosophical, sociological, and economic viewpoints.

      What are important sub-areas in politics?

      • Political Theory: Explores the philosophical underpinnings of politics, like justice, liberty, and democracy.
      • Comparative Politics: Compares different political systems, like democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian regimes.
      • American Politics: Focuses on the specific institutions, actors, and processes of US government.
      • Public Policy: Analyzes how governments create and implement policies to address societal issues.

      Wat are key concepts in politics?

      • Power: The ability to influence others' behavior.
      • State: The legitimate holder of authority within a territory.
      • Government: The institutions and processes that wield state power.
      • Ideology: A set of beliefs about how society should be organized. (e.g., liberalism, socialism, conservatism)
      • Political Participation: The ways citizens engage in the political process (e.g., voting, protesting, campaigning).

      Who are influential figures in politics?

      • Plato: Debated the ideal form of government in his Republic.
      • Aristotle: Analyzed different political systems and the importance of citizen participation.
      • Niccolò Machiavelli: Provided a realist perspective on power politics in The Prince.
      • John Locke: Championed individual rights and social contract theory.
      • Karl Marx: Offered a critique of capitalism and envisioned a communist society.

      Why is politics important?

      Politics is fundamental to understanding the world around us. It helps us:

      • Become Informed Citizens: Understand your rights, responsibilities, and role in shaping society.
      • Critically Analyze Political Events: Decipher political rhetoric and make informed decisions about who to support.
      • Promote Positive Change: Engage in the political process to advocate for your values and improve society.

      How is politics applied in practice?

      • Campaigning: Political consultants and strategists use their knowledge of politics to help candidates win elections.
      • Policymaking: Policy analysts use political knowledge to design and advocate for effective policies.
      • Journalism: Political reporters analyze and explain political events for the public.
      • Activism: Understanding politics empowers individuals and groups to advocate for change in their communities.
      What is democracy?

      What is democracy?

      Democracy isn't a standalone field, but rather a concept studied across various disciplines. Political science takes the lead, examining its structures, functions, and challenges. Philosophy explores its theoretical foundations and justifications. History analyzes its evolution and different forms throughout history.

      What are the main features of democracy?

      • Interdisciplinary: Draws from various disciplines to create a comprehensive understanding of democracy.
      • Focus on Popular Rule: Examines how power is vested in the people and exercised through mechanisms like elections and citizen participation.
      • Normative and Empirical: Analyzes the ideals of democracy (normative) and how it functions in practice (empirical).

      What are important sub-areas in democracy?

      • Comparative Politics: Compares different democratic systems (e.g., presidential vs. parliamentary) and their effectiveness.
      • Democratic Theory: Explores different justifications for democracy, its core principles (like liberty and equality), and potential challenges.
      • Political Participation: Analyzes how citizens engage in the democratic process (voting, activism, etc.).
      • Democratization: Studies the processes by which countries transition from non-democratic to democratic systems.

      What are key concepts in democracy?

      • Popular Sovereignty: The supreme power resides with the people.
      • Legitimacy: The government's right to rule is derived from the consent of the governed.
      • Representation: Citizens choose representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
      • Elections: Competitive elections are a cornerstone of democracy.
      • Rule of Law: Everyone, including the government, is subject to the law.
      • Civil Liberties: Fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to citizens (e.g., freedom of speech, assembly, religion).

      Who are influential figures in democracy?

      • Plato and Aristotle: Early philosophers who debated the ideal forms of government and citizen participation.
      • John Locke: Championed social contract theory and individual rights.
      • Montesquieu: Advocated for separation of powers to limit government abuse.
      • James Madison: Key figure in designing the US system of checks and balances.
      • John Stuart Mill: Emphasized individual liberty and freedom of expression.

      Why is democracy important?

      Democracy is crucial because:

      • It promotes individual rights, freedoms, and equality.
      • It encourages citizen participation and political accountability.
      • It provides a peaceful mechanism for transferring power through elections.

      How is democracy applied in practice?

      • Constitution Drafting: Political scientists and legal scholars advise on crafting democratic constitutions that define power structures and citizen rights.
      • Election Monitoring: Experts observe elections to ensure fairness and transparency.
      • Promoting Democratic Values: Organizations and activists work to strengthen democratic institutions and practices around the world.
      • Education and Civic Engagement: Educating citizens about their rights and responsibilities is essential for a functioning democracy.
      What is fundamental rights?

      What is fundamental rights?

      Fundamental rights focus specifically on the legal and constitutional frameworks that protect basic rights and freedoms within a particular country. It delves into the legal interpretations, limitations, and enforcement mechanisms surrounding these rights.

      What are the main features of fundamental rights?

      • National Focus: It primarily examines the legal framework of a specific country's constitution and legal system. (This differs from human rights, which has a more universal perspective.)
      • Legal Analysis: Focuses on legal doctrines, case law, and judicial interpretations of fundamental rights.
      • Balance of Power: Analyzes how fundamental rights function within a nation's system of checks and balances, protecting individuals from state overreach.

      What are important sub-areas in fundamental rights?

      • Equality Rights: Examines legal principles that guarantee equal treatment under the law and prohibit discrimination.
      • Freedom of Speech and Expression: Analyzes the legal boundaries and limitations on free speech and expression within a country.
      • Due Process Rights: Focuses on legal procedures that ensure fairness in the justice system.
      • Privacy Rights: Explores the legal protections for individual privacy and personal data.

      What are key concepts in fundamental rights?

      • Constitution: The supreme law of a country that outlines the structure of government and fundamental rights of citizens.
      • Judicial Review: The power of courts to review the constitutionality of laws and government actions.
      • Standing: The legal requirement for someone to bring a case challenging a law or government action.
      • Proportionality: The principle that restrictions on fundamental rights must be necessary and proportionate to achieve a legitimate aim.
      • Bill of Rights: A document (like the US Bill of Rights) that outlines fundamental rights and liberties.

      Who are influential figures in fundamental rights?

      • John Locke: Philosopher who laid the groundwork for concepts of natural rights and limitations on government power.
      • Montesquieu: Advocated for the separation of powers to protect individual liberty.
      • James Madison: Key figure in drafting the US Constitution, ensuring fundamental rights protections.
      • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: US Supreme Court Justice who championed gender equality through her legal decisions.

      Why is fundamental rights important?

      Understanding fundamental rights is crucial because:

      • They are the cornerstone of a democratic society, protecting individuals from arbitrary government actions.
      • They empower citizens to hold their government accountable.
      • They provide a legal framework for resolving disputes and ensuring fairness.

      How is fundamental rights applied in practice?

      • Constitutional Law: Lawyers specialize in interpreting and litigating cases involving fundamental rights.
      • Legal Advocacy: Advocates use knowledge of fundamental rights to challenge discriminatory laws and policies.
      • Policymaking: Policymakers consider fundamental rights when drafting laws and regulations.
      • Judicial Review: Judges use their understanding of fundamental rights to decide cases and ensure laws are constitutional.
      What is human rights?

      What is human rights?

      Human Rights is an interdisciplinary field that examines the concept of universal human rights, their legal frameworks, and the ongoing struggle to protect them. It explores the ethical, philosophical, legal, and political dimensions of human dignity and well-being.

      What are the main features of human rights?

      • Universal Focus: It emphasizes the inherent and inalienable rights belonging to all human beings, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, or any other status.
      • Interdisciplinary Approach: Draws from law, philosophy, political science, sociology, and history to understand human rights issues.
      • Focus on Advocacy: Human rights scholars not only study rights but also advocate for their protection and promotion.

      What are important sub-areas in human rights?

      • International Human Rights Law: Analyzes legal frameworks and institutions that protect human rights on a global scale (e.g., UN Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court).
      • Human Rights and Development: Explores the link between human rights and economic and social development.
      • Human Rights and Specific Groups: Focuses on the specific struggles and rights of marginalized groups like women, children, refugees, and indigenous peoples.
      • Human Rights in a Globalized World: Examines the impact of globalization, technology, and emerging threats on human rights.

      What are key concepts in human rights?

      • Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A landmark document adopted by the UN in 1948, outlining fundamental human rights and freedoms.
      • Human Dignity: The inherent worth and respect due to every human being.
      • Social Justice: The fair distribution of resources and opportunities to ensure everyone can enjoy their human rights.
      • Accountability: The responsibility of states and individuals to uphold and protect human rights.
      • Empowerment: Providing individuals and groups with the knowledge and resources to claim their rights.

      Who are influential figures in human rights?

      • Eleanor Roosevelt: Championed the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
      • Nelson Mandela: Fought against racial segregation and apartheid, advocating for human rights for all.
      • Malala Yousafzai: Activist for girls' education rights.
      • Indira Gandhi: Advocated for the rights of developing nations on the international stage.

      Why is human rights important?

      Human Rights are crucial because:

      • They are the foundation for a just and equitable world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
      • They protect people from abuse and discrimination.
      • They empower individuals to claim their rightful place in society.

      How is human rights applied in practice?

      • Human Rights Lawyers: Work in legal advocacy, litigation, and promoting human rights compliance.
      • Human Rights Organizations: Work with communities to document abuses, advocate for change, and provide humanitarian assistance.
      • Policy Development: Human Rights scholars inform policy creation to promote human rights on a national and international level.
      • Education and Awareness: Educating individuals about their rights empowers them to claim them and hold duty-bearers accountable.
      Summaries: legendary standard works, literature and manuals about international relations and politics

      Summaries: legendary standard works, literature and manuals about international relations and politics

      Summaries of legendary standard works, literature and manuals related to international relations, organizations and politics

        Summary with International Economics and Business. Nations and Firms in the Global Economy by Beugelsdijk

        Summary with International Economics and Business. Nations and Firms in the Global Economy by Beugelsdijk


        §A.1 ‘The global economy- Some general information’

        There is no one standard answer to the question: “What is globalization?”. Globalization means different things to different people. Take farm leaders, trade unionists and human rights activists as an example ; they all see different pros and cons for globalization.

        Based on this argumentation, there are five key issues to be considered:

        • Cultural globalization > Which is about the debate whether there is one big global culture or a set of universal cultural variables, and the degree  to which these universal cultural variables displace embedded national cultures and traditions.

        An example that illustrates this debate: there are people afraid of ‘McDonaldization’ (hige multinationals are the carriers of culture globalization) and there are people seeing enough room for local traditions.

        • Economic globalization > Which is about the decline of national markets and the rise of global markets. Drivers for economic globalization are fundamental changes in technology which permit more efficient ways of internationally organizing production processes.
        • Geographical globalization > Which is about the result of ‘joint time and space’ due to reduced travel times and the rapid (electronic) exchange of information. Some neo-liberals named this development the ‘end of geography’ in which location no longer matters.
        • Institutional globalization > Which is about the spread of universal institutional regulations across the world, triggered by US President Reagan’s and UK Prime Minister Thatcher’s ‘revolution’ of neo-liberalism. These neo-liberal policies are represented by institutions such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the WB (World Bank) and the WTO (World Trade Organization). These universal institutional regulations are not only on macro-economic level, but also on the micro-economic level: multinationals adopt similar policies under the pressure of competition and regulation.
        • Political globalization > Which is about the relationship between the power of the market (multinational corporations) versus the nation-state, which continuously has to make changes and updates in reaction to economic and political forces. Popular anti-globalists stress that large multinationals become more and more powerful, out-powering the majority of nation-states. In contradiction, others point out that real evidence for these fears is lacking, as the state has to provide security, a legal system, education and infrastructure, which are all of vital importance for economic activity and growth.

        Keynes once said that the master economist should “examine the present in light of the past, for the purpose of the future”, by which the common opinion about economic globalization was that it was a totally more

        International Human Resource Management

        International Human Resource Management

        Summary of: Ewards, T. & Kuruvilla, S. (2005). International HRM: National Business Systems, Organizational Politics, and the International Division of Labour in MNCs. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(1)


        Strategic human resource management: The RBV suggests that the firm’s human resources can be used to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. But failures by the HRM policy can turn human resources into a major source of disadvantage. Considering transaction cost economics, the decision to add one or more factory workers on the assembly line might be made using the logic of transaction cost analysis. But maybe not when we talk about skilled workers and probably even less again when we’re talking about workers core to our firm.


        Human resource management (HRM) is a field of theory and practice that deals with decisions related to policies and practices, that together help to shape the relationship between the firm and its employees. It is suggested that:

        • Human capital can be a source of competitive advantage; and

        • HR practices have the most direct influence on the human capital of an organization.


        Most conceptual models provide grounds for expecting MNCs to adopt a global element to the way they manage their international workforces to reap the benefits from coordination and integration; consistency and contribution; and learning lessons across operation (transferring knowledge). Another pressure for global HR policies is the country of origin effect (i.e. export the home country style). In contrast, there are also a variety of grounds expecting MNCs to adopt a local element in their HR policies. Decentralization is pressed for by differing national cultures (i.e. multi-culturalism) and national-level regulations and institutions.

        A variety of authors argue for a middle way, a combination of the global and local pressures. Yet, the tension between integration (consistency of HR practices in the MNC) and differentiation (local adaptation) is determined by a list of endogenous and exogenous factors, so many in fact that the models are difficult to operationalize.

        There are three significant weaknesses and problems to the existing literature:

        1. Inadequate conceptualization of national influences
        The weak explanatory power of the precise origins and nature of both global and local effects. Importantly, where there is an attempt to analyze a national system it is often couched in terms of culture.

        This can take two forms:

        1. Either culture is used in a loose way to capture all aspects of national differences

        2. Use is made of a particular typology of culture, such as Hofstede’s.

        Apart from the utility for HR policy, perhaps the major problem with these cultural approaches is that they explain relatively little.

        An alternative approach is to focus on the key institutions within a nation. Focus on a national business system, which is a set of interlocking structures and institutions in different spheres of economic and social life that combine to create a nationally distinct pattern of organizing more
        Summary: Law of Public International Organizations

        Summary: Law of Public International Organizations

        Chapter 1: Introduction

        The activities of international organizations are subject to law, and give rise to law. Each and every international organization has a set of rules relating to its own functioning. As international organizations do not exist in a vacuum, their activities are also bound to exercise some influence on other legal systems, and absorb the influence of such systems. While it is possible that international organizations are influenced by, and exert influence on, the law of individual nation-states, the more direct and influential links usually exist within the body of rules known as international law.

        Critical legal theory

        The law of international organizations is still somewhat immature. On numerous points the law lacks certainty. In particular, international legal doctrine has a hard time coming to terms with the relationship between an international organization and the very states which are its members. On the one hand, the law is supposed to respect the interests of individual states. Yet at the same time, the law must also take the interests of the international community into account. Following the critical legal tradition, international law is bound to swerve back and forth between these two poles of sovereignty and community. It is this tension which makes international legal rules often ultimately uncertain. This tension also reflects in the law of international organizations, for example regarding the so-called principle of attribution of powers. Strict adherents to the notion of state sovereignty will not easily admit the existence of implied powers; yet for the protection of community interests, an implied power may well be deemed desirable.

        The main benefit of critical legal theory is its capacity to make visible the inherent tensions and contradictions which help shape the law. In this way it can provide great services in understanding international institutional law.

        Defining international organizations

        What exactly is an international organization? While it is structurally impossible to define in a comprehensive manner, something which is a social creation (social constructs, created by people in order to help them achieve some purpose) to begin with, it is common in the literature to delimit international organizations in at least some ways. One delimitation often made depends on the body of law governing the activities of the organization. If those activities are governed by international law, we speak of an international organization, or at least of an intergovernmental organization. If those activities are governed by some domestic law, we usually say that the organization more

        Summary: Financial Accounting: An International Introduction

        Summary: Financial Accounting: An International Introduction

        This summary was written in the year 2013-2014.

        1. Introduction to Financial Accounting


        Accounting has evolved over the years based on a response to different perceived needs in that field. In different countries and in different environments accounting has developed in different ways. Because of this there is not one single definition for the word accounting. Generally speaking, accounting exists to provide service for different types of people dealing with business entities, such as managers, investors, lenders, employees, suppliers, customers, governments, and the public.

        There are key words for accounting which are:

        • Process
        • Information
        • Economic nature
        • Enable decision making

        Managerial accounting (internal)

        Managerial accounting targets at management within organizations, therefore no commercially confidential information needs to be kept secret. No external checking is needed for the reporting. Compared with financial reporting, it is more detailed, more frequent, and involving forecasting all the important figures for next year. It is concerned with the provision of information intended to be useful to management within the business

        Financial accounting (external)

        Accounting for users outside of the business itself (examples are listed in the definition, excluding managers). According to IASB, financial reporting is largely designed to provide investors with useful information, concentrating on immediate past. External checking is needed.

        Users of financial statements:

        • Investors
        • Employees
        • Suppliers
        • Governments
        • Public
        • Customers
        • Other lenders


        A control mechanism made to provide both external and independent checks on the published financial statements and reports of organizations.

        • Finance: looks at the optimal means of raising money
        • Financial management: the optimal means of spending it
        • Financial accounting: reporting on the results of having used it


        Records data and keeping records of money and financially related movements. It is financial and management accounting that takes the raw data, chooses and presents it as appropriate. Therefore, financial accounting acts as the communicating process to those outside the enterprise.


        Market forces, the 'state' and accountancy profession together determine accounting regulation. The accounting profession is organized in associations. The European Union requires two types of organization: qualifying bodies (exams & technical rules) and regulatory bodies which are under government control. The coordinating organization for the accountancy profession around the world is IFAC (International Federation of Accountants). The purpose of IFAC is “to develop and enhance a coordinated worldwide accountancy profession with harmonized standards”. IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) is independent and has total autonomy in the setting more

        Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

        Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

        Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie

        Wat is internationale bedrijfskunde en strategie?

        • Internationale bedrijfskunde is de studie en praktijk van het besturen van bedrijven in een wereldwijde context. Het richt zich op het begrijpen van verschillende culturen, economieën en markten om succesvol zaken te doen over de grenzen heen. Internationale strategie is een plan van aanpak dat een bedrijf volgt om zijn doelen te bereiken op de wereldmarkt. Het houdt rekening met de specifieke uitdagingen en kansen die internationale handel met zich meebrengt.

        Wat zijn de beste boeken die voor internationale bedrijfskunde en strategie zijn samengevat?

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