WorldSupporter profile of Psychology Supporter

JoHo World Supporter Psychology

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Life is a Journey to Open-mindedness, Helpfulness and Optimism.
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I am committed to spreading knowledge and inspire other to help out
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World Supporter
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  • Betrokkenheid

Betrokkenheid Betrokkenheid: vrij uitgelegd de mate waarin mensen zich betrokken voelen tot bepaalde zaken in hun omgeving. Tegenwoordig wordt de term veelal geassocieerd met betrokkenheid op de werkvloer, zoals beschr...

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What is clinical pedagogics?

Clinical pedagogy is a field of study focused on the art and science of teaching within a practical, hands-on environment. It's not about general teaching methods, but rather how to effectively guide learners in real-world settings, often referred to as clinical experiences. What are the main featur...

What is orthopedagogy?

Orthopedagogy is a field of study focused on prevention, intervention, and support for individuals experiencing learning difficulties, behavioral challenges, or developmental delays. It aims to help them reach their full potential and participate meaningfully in society. What are the main features o...

What is history of pedagogics?

The History of Pedagogics, also known as History of Education, delves into the evolution of educational theories and practices throughout history. It explores how societies have approached teaching and learning, and how these approaches have been shaped by philosophical, social, political, and cultu...

What is general pedagogics?

General Pedagogics, also sometimes referred to as Foundational Pedagogy, is a field of study that provides a broad foundation in educational theory and practice. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective educators across various contexts, not limited to a specific...