Title: M2 enclosere after close to the whole idea I had was worked out. Inside next to the door
M2 enclosere after close to the whole idea I had was worked out. Inside next to the door

Here is a picture from the inside where you stand next to the door.
You can see 2 swings, 1 horizontal tire (there is a vertical one to the left just outside the picture)
There is a sitting area (net) between the logs at the top. there is also such a place at the right front of the enclosure.
You can see that there is plenty of walk space where the caretakers can easily walk. Note that they are lets say a head smaller then me and I can walk everywhere without bumping my head to something (only have to bend my neck to get to the left back area of the enclosure, but after that I can stand again).

These are the photo's for now ^^ hope you enjoyed them

Media of Harm
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