Tijdens mijn vrijwilligerswerk in Zuid-Afrika heb ik samen met 2 andere vrijwilligers een aantal presentaties gegeven. Aan basisschoolkinderen hebben we verteld over Nederland, aan jongeren/werklozen hebben we uitleg gegeven over HIV/AIDS, budgetteren en financiën en ook over Nederland. In de bijlage zit de presentatie over HIV/AIDS, waar jullie eventueel ook gebruik van zouden kunnen maken! Na de presentatie hebben we een quiz gehouden om te kijken wat iedereen had opgestoken. 1. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? A. HIV is a virus and aids is a bacterial disease B. There is no difference between HIV and aids *C. HIV is the virus that causes aids* 2. Is there a cure for AIDS? A. Yes *B. No* C. Only available on prescription 3. Approximately how many people are living with HIV worldwide? *A. 34 Million* B. 23 Million C. 13 Million 4. Can you get aids from sharing the cup of someone with HIV? A. Yes *B. No* C. Only if you don’t wash the cub 5. Can insect transmit HIV? A. Yes *B. No* C. Only mosquitoes 6. HIV can make a person ill because… A. It makes a person lose weight very suddenly B. It reduces the body’s core temperature *C. It attacks the immune system* 7. Does HIV only affect gay people? A. Yes *B. No* C. Only gay men D. Only gay women 8. Aids was first reported in the U.S. in… A. 1975 *B. 1981* C. 1968 9. HIV is believed to have evolved from a similar virus found in which animal? A. Baboon *B. Chimpanzee* C. Elephant D. Guinea pig 10. If someone with HIV had a CD4 count of 350 or less, what does this mean? A. Their immune system is very healthy B. They no longer have HIV *C. They should probably start antiretroviral treatment * D. They will die within a week 11. What is the risk of transmitting HIV during oral sex? A. Just the same as anal or vaginal sex B. There is a 50% change that HIV will be transmitted if one person *C. The risk is very low, but increased if either person has cuts or sores on their mouth or genitals * 12. Which of these drugs is used to reduce mother – to – child HIV transmission? A. Aspirin *B. Tenofovir* C. Paracetamol D. Penicillin 13. Which country has the highest number of people living with HIV? *A. South Africa* B. Nigeria C. Kenya 14. Which is the most effective at preventing pregnancy, HIV and other sexually transmitted infection? A. Birth control pill B. Withdrawal method *C. Condoms and lubricants* 15. Do condoms provide total protection against all sexually transmitted diseases? A. Right *B. Wrong*

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