Registration for workgroups and lectures – Leiden University
For second year students: registration for block 1 and 2 opens on Monday, 9th of July at 10h.
- For courses in block 1, the registration period ends on Sunday 26 August 23.59 hrs.
- For courses in block 2, the registration will stay open until Sunday 21 October 23.59 hrs.
You can register by entering the activity/class number in uSis.
Video instructions on how to register for the courses:
For IBP students:
The lectures of the first two blocks with the activity number are the following:
- Developmental Psychopathology: 1892
- Stress, Health & Disease: 1132
- Psychometrics: 1138
- Consciousness: 1891
- Group Dynamics: 1112
- Psychodiagnostics: 3490
- Persp. On Career Planning: 1119
You can look up the activity numbers of the work groups that fit your schedule here:
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