WorldSupporter profile of Pakachere Zomba

Pakachere Backpackers

Travel & Move: 
Pakachere is a social business; a small lodge in the town of Zomba. We are experienced travelers of Malawi.
Check our website for our personal trvale guide for this small but beautiful and friendly country.
Experience & Leisure: 
We are active members of the Zomba community. In our spare time we work with young people who aspire to work in the creative industry and we are passionate about conservation.
Zomba Mountain is beautiful and an important asset for our town; it needs to be protected and restored.
Learn & Develop: 
Help & Change: 
Pakachere's staff are like our family. We are not exaggerating when we say we have probably one of the best teams in the country. They can work independently, are loyal and trustworthy.
And very nice! We do everything to give them job security; we support them with fertiliser, health care and lots of training opportunities so they can grow and develop.
Work & Initiate: 
We dare to say we are sustainable employers. Paka is a green lodge, we support conservation efforts and we treat our staff kindly & fair.
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My Latest Activity

A 4-day festival at different locations in Zomba City during the May Day public holiday. Explore the green historical city in Southern Malawi during four days of contemporary arts & culture.

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Communication & marketing: The best concepts summarized

Communication & marketing: The best concepts summarized Online summaries and flashcards with the best concepts of Communication & marketing

  • For 5+ conceptsummaries with Communication & marketing, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

What is media sciences?

Media sciences delve into the technical aspects of media creation, transmission, and distribution. It focuses on the scientific principles and technologies that underlie various media forms, exploring how information is encoded, transmitted, and decoded. Here's a closer look: What are the main featu...

What is media studies?

Media studies is a dynamic field that delves into the content, history, and effects of various media forms. It examines how media shapes our understanding of the world, influences our culture, and impacts our lives. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects: What are the main features of media stud...

What is sales?

Sales, as a field of study, delves into the strategies and techniques used to convince customers to purchase goods or services. It's a blend of art and science, requiring an understanding of human psychology, communication skills, and the ability to build relationships. What are the main features of...