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ExamTests with Current Psychotherapies by Wedding and Corsini

ExamTests with Current Psychotherapies by Wedding and Corsini

Chapter 1

Open questions (no answers available)

  1. Raymond Corsini describes how a prisoner’s life changed when he was told that he had a high IQ. Why does Dr. Corsini consider this psychotherapy?

  2. Although Sigmund Freud is generally called the “father of psychotherapy,” describe the contributions of his key predecessors and contemporaries.

  3. Imagine that you are a beginning psychotherapist. Describe how you would utilize advances in neurosciences to inform your treatment approach.

  4. Many attempts have been made historically to categorize or classify mental illnesses. Discuss the evolution of these attempts from beginning to current.


Question 1

Yalom suggested that, much like cooking, it is the ________ that often make all the difference in psychotherapy.

  1. "throw-ins"

  2. technique

  3. content

  4. process

Question 2

The ________ tradition suggested that only a psychological approach could provide an understanding and treatment of mental disorders.

  1. psychiker

  2. psychoanalytic

  3. behavioral

  4. somatiker

Question 3

Paul Meehl called job stresses, financial concerns, troubled children, angry spouses or in-laws, difficult colleagues etc.:

  1. stressors

  2. real-life

  3. context-dependent stochastologicals

  4. hassles

Question 4

The expression of certain genes that results from their activation by specific but common environmental more
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Practice Questions for Exam preparation - Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice - UL B2/B3

Practice Questions for Exam preparation - Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice - UL B2/B3

If you want to practice and test your knowledge on current psychotherapies, can do the practice tests based on each chapter of the book by Wedding & Corsini: ExamTests with Current Psychotherapies by Wedding & Corsini

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ExamTests with the 1st chapter of the 10th edition of Current Psychotherapies by Wedding and Corsini

ExamTests with the 1st chapter of the 10th edition of Current Psychotherapies by Wedding and Corsini


Question 1

The psychotherapeutic term “dynamic” was first used by:

  1. Sigmund Freud

  2. Hippocrates

  3. Franz Anton Mesmer

  4. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Question 2

Herman von Helmholtz described the unconscious reconstruction of what our past taught us about an object as:

  1. restructuring objects

  2. unconscious inference

  3. psychic stimulation

  4. cognitive discovery

Question 3

Hellenist physicians believed the organ contributing to mental illness was the:

  1. brain

  2. heart

  3. liver

  4. blood

Question 4

Jungian therapy, based on the work of Moritz Benedikt, underscores the importance of:

  1. rewarding positive behavior

  2. unconditional positive regard

  3. cognitive distortions

  4. purging pathogenic secrets

Question 5

The idea that nonlinear messages are systematically sent between the unconscious and the conscious in human interactions was developed by:

  1. Carl Gustav Carus

  2. Franz Anton Mesmer

  3. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

  4. Hippocrates

Question 6

Due to multicultural differences, segments of the population would likely benefit more
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