Beyond Telehealth: The Virtual Care Technology Trends That Will Transform Healthcare

During the conjuring up of coronavirus, McKinsey has estimated that the global healthcare model will significantly shift towards virtual care with an investment of $250 billion. There is notable furtherance observed in the facilities delivered by healthcare units and with more investments, the changes will be revealed further. 

FAIR Health, a non-governmental organization states that there will be a 4000% increase in telehealth claims in which there will be around 90% of virtual patients. Brainvire believes the pandemic of COVID-19 has reformed digital health care applications to a large extent. 


Telehealth is the congruous use of communication and digital technology for retrieving health care facilities remotely. The main aim of telehealth is to deliver healthcare options and make the accessibility of health care services more easily to the rural and isolated areas. 

During the global pandemic of coronavirus, 90% of the patients were happy with the telesales services being provided to them. This survey was carried out by the Association of Community Health Plan and the results came out to be very interesting. 

The study revealed that telehealth can be convenient and readily available for people living in rural and isolated areas, along with people with mobility issues, locomotor disabilities, and to the places where transportation is difficult. 

Telehealth can help the patient to connect with the most trustworthy Healthcare specialists for proper coordination and communication with the healthcare team present. It is an excellent way for self-management for healthcare.  

Contactless Checkups

The outbreak of COVID-19 has significantly changed the landscape of pf healthcare services. Many societal practices have changed abruptly as people are asked to maintain social distancing and put themselves in quarantine. Healthcare providers have shifted towards virtual check-ups for their patients. 

Most of the documentation and paperwork for the hospital is done beforehand either online or manually with the help of telecommunication. This trend will be improved further by the application of registration kiosks at the hospitals with facial recognition features. 

The workflow of healthcare services has been modified with more technologically enabled accessories, that has made the physicians and nurses carrying out virtual checkups and consultations. Almost all the possible diagnostic tests are now conducted with the help of remotely connected devices. 

The concept of contactless service has been implemented successfully in healthcare facilities and will continue to get developed with time. 

Contact Detection

Several contact detection applications are introduced to the market. It can be used with BlueTooth for tracking the virus spread. Due to its pandemic outbreak, many job opportunities are getting created around these ‘contact tracing’ applications. 

This feature has been successfully implemented in Singapore and South Korea, but for the worldwide application, there are debates being going on within Federal Health Authorities and with the national data sharing frameworks. 

Contact detection applications are the most advanced version of technological applications for eradicating coronavirus. After the successful implementation of this software, there are high chances of coming out of this global crisis. 

Remote Tracking

The software and applications for remotely tracking and monitoring of healthcare facilities have helped physicians and healthcare executives to support their patients by keeping them inside their homes. 

This technology has eased the regular check-up routines, management of chronic illness, visiting the clinic, and doctor consultation. All these healthcare facilities can be easily accessed from the comfort of home and with real-time data. 

Virtual Appointments and Consultations

Telehealth has made it possible to remember appointments and scheduling them with the help of telephonic communications, text, messaging, and IVR. There are several data mining tools that can efficiently serve the population during crises. 

Data mining tools can generate numerous text messages or calls to spread any common information. This automated communication tool is beneficial in the time of pandemics or crisis for the development of healthcare services. 

The outcomes of healthcare consultations have been improved as the check-ups are now more regularized with the help of telehealth services and patients are more inclined towards maintaining the suggested medical regimens.


There is a huge opportunity for technological advancements and a new revolution for the healthcare industries. During this time of global crisis, the doctors and healthcare specialists are more focussed on the delivery of high-quality service to the patients. 

The healthcare enterprises and partners have decided to bestow a seamless platform for a contactless visit to the clinics and hospitals. The software and applications to be developed should be user-friendly and easily compatible with mobile devices. 

Digital technology will be able to furnish the best home-care models and best-in-class healthcare facilities to be serviced for the patients. Every healthcare system is dispensing new opportunities for establishing the concept of contactless service. The scope of developing telehealth services is high according to the future healthcare consumer journey during and after the pandemic era.

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