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What is a deletion?

A deletion in DNA replication is a mutation that occurs during DNA copying, where a segment of the original DNA sequence is lost from the newly synthesized strand. It's like accidentally skipping some words while copying a text, but with potentially significant consequences for the organism. What ar...

What is insertion?

An insertion in DNA duplication refers to a mutation that occurs during the process of copying DNA. It involves the insertion of one or more additional nucleotides (the building blocks of DNA) into a newly synthesized DNA strand. What are the main features of insertion?

  • Mechanism: Inse...

What is a phylogenetic tree?

A phylogenetic tree, also known as a phylogeny or evolutionary tree, is a powerful tool that visually depicts the evolutionary relationships between organisms. It's like a family tree for all living things, but instead of parents and children, it shows how species have descended from a common ancest...

What is Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST)?

BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is a powerful algorithm and program used extensively in bioinformatics. It's a champion at finding regions of similarity within biological sequences, like DNA or protein sequences. What are the main features of BLAST?

  • Compares Sequences: BLAST takes...

What are microsatellites?

Microsatellites, also known as simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or short tandem repeats (STRs), are fascinating stretches of DNA composed of short, repetitive sequences. Despite their simplicity, they hold significant value in various biological studies. What are the main features of microsatelli...

What is a virus?

A virus is a tiny, infectious agent that can only reproduce inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and far simpler in structure. They lack the machinery needed to replicate on their own and rely on host cells to provide the necessary resources.

  • Viruse...

What is horizontal gene transfer (HGT)?

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), also known as lateral gene transfer, is a fascinating process that challenges the traditional view of inheritance. HGT refers to the movement of genetic material between organisms that are not parent and offspring. This means organisms can acquire genes from unrelated...

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NESBED Live Lecture  Week 5: Identity and Groups

Live Lecture  Identity and Groups The Self Concept: The self-concept involves self-referential processing, with different aspects: 1. **Sensorimotor self:** Includes a sense of agency and embodiment. 2. **Ongoing self:** Encompasses personality traits, motivation for self-esteem, and personal m...

NESBED Knowledge Clips Week 5

Knowledge Clips: Relationships and Infant Attachment Attachment Across Species: Attachment is a long-lasting social bond found across animal species, especially in humans, involving romantic partners and infant-parent relationships. The goal of attachment is to maintain close proximity to the partne...

NESBED Live Lecture Week 4

Live Lecture week 4 Live Lecture: Part 1 - Olfactory Social Neuroscience Smell loss is inversely associated with color vision emergence, suggesting a trade-off between these sensory abilities. Humans, however, can outperform some animals in olfaction, but a certain level of olfactory strength is nee...