Medicine and healthcare - WorldSupporter Start

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Summaries, study notes, tips and tools for studying medicine and healthcare


Introduction to Global Health and Tropical Medicine



Medicine and health care: The best textbooks summarized

Medicine and health care: The best textbooks summarized

Medicine and health care: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Medicine and health care

  • For 75+ booksummaries with Medicine and health care, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

For available summaries, BulletPoints, practice exams and glossaries with medicine and health care, see the supporting content of this study guide

Related summaries and study assistance

Geneeskunde en medicijnen: De beste wetenschappelijke artikelen samengevat

Geneeskunde en medicijnen: De beste wetenschappelijke artikelen samengevat

Geneeskunde en medicijnen: De beste wetenschappelijke artikelen samengevat

Artikelen per studiegebied voor geneeskunde en medicijnen in Nederland

  • Studiegidsen bij artikelen voor:
    • spoedeisende zorg
    • gerontologie en latere levensfasen
    • Psychofarmacologie
  • Zie de supporting content van deze studiegids

Gerelateerde samenvattingen en studiehulp

Geneeskunde & Gezondheidszorg: samenvattingen en studiehulp - WorldSupporter Start


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How to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?

Online access to all summaries, study notes en practice exams

Using and finding summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter

There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.

  1. Starting Pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
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  3. Search tool: quick & dirty - not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject. The search tool is available at the bottom of most pages or on the Search & Find page
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