Cross-Cultural Management Mock Exam

Multiple Choice:

Question 1:

In 1999, the Dutch company Koninklijke Hoogovens and the UK company British Steel merged and a new entity was formed: CORUS. Before the merger took place, the different cultural backgrounds of participants as well as the different contexts in which the companies developed are used as an explanatory framework in a study to describe similarities and differences. Thomas and Peterson would classify such research as:

(a) comparative research;

(b) indigenous research;

(c) international research;

(d) intercultural research.

Question 2:

In a survey of cultural values in Europe, Inglehart finds two value orientations: materialist and post-materialist. According to his research results, a limited number of post-materialist values become stronger when a countries’ wealth increases. This result supports the hypothesis of:

(a) cultural convergence
(b) cultural divergence
(c) both of them
(d) nothing can be said about convergence or divergence

Question 3:

Hofstede warns his readers for the `ecological fallacy’. What does he mean by that? He means:

(a)  that differences between nations on a particular value dimension (eg power distance) can be explained by their natural environment (eg climate, temperature

(b)  that differences between nations on a particular value dimension (eg power distance) are unduly ascribed to the natural environment (f.i. climate, temperature);

(c) that value scores at the country level are applied to individuals;

(d) individual average scores are applied to the country level.

Question 4:

A key element in our perception is whether a person is categorized as a member of an in- group or an out-group member. Subsequently, we are more aware of ...:

A) ... any attempt of the out-group to become a member of our in-group.

B) ... the danger of seeing the other group in the wrong way.

C) ... the individual variations that occur in our own cultural in-group and perceive the other cultural out-group as homogenous.

D) ... the collective differences between in- and the out-group.

Example of potential questions for the CCM examination  2017

Open Questions:

Question 5:

What is the difference between a multinational with a polycentric recruitment strategy and a multinational with a geocentric recruitment strategy?

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