Study guide with Social Psychology by Kassin et al. - 2023/2024

Study guide with Social Psychology

Online summaries and study assistance with the 11th edition of Social Psychology by Kassin et al.

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What is the book 'Social Psychology' by Kassin about?

What is the book 'Social Psychology' by Kassin about?

First, it is explained what the field of social psychology entail and in what way the research is conducted (chapter 1 and 2). Then in the second part of the book, the topic of social perception is outlined (chapter 3, 4 and 5). Chapters 6, 7 and 8 dive into the topic of social influence, in the form of attitudes, conformity and group processes. Then, social relations are discussed in chapter 9, 10 and 11; in which the authors discuss attraction, helping behaviors and aggression. Lastly, Social Psychology discusses the ways in which social psychology is applied in the world; namely in the law, in business and how it applies to our health and well-being (chapter 12, 13 and 14).

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