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Kalat - Biological Psychology: practice questions

Kalat - Biological Psychology: practice questions



1. The two kinds of cells in the nervous system are __________, which receive and transmit information to other cells, and __________, which do not transmit information.

A) neurons, glia

B) glia, hypoglia

C) glia, neurons

D) neurons, corpuscles


2. The outer surface of a cell is called the __________ and the fluid inside the cell is the __________.

A) cytoplasm, endoplasm

B) membrane, nuclear fluid

C) wall, goo

D) membrane, cytoplasm


3. Which structure within an animal cell contains the chromosomes?

A) endoplasmic reticulum

B) mitochondrion

C) membrane

D) nucleus


4. The main feature that distinguishes a neuron from other cells is the neuron's

A) larger nucleus.

B) ability to metabolize a variety of fuels.

C) high internal concentration of sodium ions.

D) varied shape.


5. Which part of a neuron contains the nucleus?

A) cell body

B) dendrites

C) axon

D) presynaptic ending


6. Neurons have one __________, but can have any number of __________.

A) dendrite, axons

B) axon, dendrites

C) cell body, axons

D) axon hillock, cell bodies


7. An axon hillock is

A) the end of an axon, close to the next cell.

B) a swelling in the

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Foundations for the study of psychology - a summary of chapter 1 of Psychology by Gray and Bjorklund (7th edition)

Foundations for the study of psychology - a summary of chapter 1 of Psychology by Gray and Bjorklund (7th edition)

Chapter 1
Foundations of the study of psychology

Psychology is the science of behaviour of the mind.
Behaviour is the observable action of a person or animal
Mind refers to an individual’s subjective experiences.

Three fundamental ideas for psychology

  1. Behaviour and mental experiences have physical causes that can be studied scientifically.
  2. The way people behave, think and feel is modified over time by their environment.
  3. The body’s machinery is a product of evolution

The idea of physical causation of behaviour


René Descartes (1596-1650)
Important about him: the body is like a complicated machine, a machinal control of movements. Quite complex behaviours can occur trough purely machinal means.
Nonhuman animals have no souls.
Thought (Descartes defined as conscious deliberation and judgment) is ascribed to the soul.
Body and soul communicate through the pineal body.

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
All human behaviour can be understood in terms of physical processes of the body.
Conscious thought is purely a product of the brains machinery.
This places no limit in with psychologist can study scientifically.
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Summary Introduction to Health Psychology - Morrison

Summary Introduction to Health Psychology - Morrison

What is health? - Chapter 1

Changing perspectives

According to Stone (1979) there are a number of questions that cannot be answered in concrete terms. For example, the question of how we maintain, protect and recover health, as long as there is no clear meaning to health and how it can be measured. Most people will not realize that 'health' has / can have a totally different meaning for other people, cultures, social classes, etc.

Mind-body relationships

Holes for the skull drilling process were sometimes found in skulls from the Stone Age to allow the evil spirits that caused diseases to be released. Illness was also sometimes interpreted as a punishment of the gods by the ancient Hebrew texts.

The ancient Greeks saw body and mind as a whole, but did not attribute illness to spiritual matters. Hippocrates was one of the first who talked about a balance between the four bodily fluids, also called humours (mucus, blood, yellow bile and black bile). Each humour has a different trait. In addition, the humours are also linked to seasons and the four conditions dry, wet, cold and warm. Mucus is connected to winter (cold and wet) and large amounts of mucus is linked to a calm temperament. Blood is connected to spring (wet and warm) and large amounts of blood are linked to an optimistic personality. Large amounts of yellow bile are associated with an angry temperament and belongs to the summer (hot and dry). Finally, black bile is related to sadness and autumn (cold and dry). If the juices are in balance, a person is healthy. Hippocrates also recognized the link between (healthy) eating and health and that physical factors can influence the mind.

Galen, another influential Greek, talked about the physical basis of diseases some 300 years after Hippocrates. The bodily fluids would not only affect

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Psychology and behavorial sciences: summaries and study assistance - WorldSupporter Start
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