WorldSupporter profile of Merazonia


Travel & Move: 
My most special experience during my travels is: any natural encounter with wildlife. Being in nature is a passion and a privilege and something that I hope to never get bored of.
Whether it is hiking into the jungle to check wildlife activity in trap cameras, seeing an animal released or having a rare but o so special encounter with a wild roaming animal.
Experience & Leisure: 
Merazonia is located near Mera, a picturesque little town in the heart of Ecuador, where the Andes meets the Amazon.
Mera is only an hour away from Baños, where it is easy to relax after a week of hard work in a bar, café or restaurant. Or to get adrenaline pumping with adventure sports and other activities.
Learn & Develop: 
I think studying is the perfect time to explore the world, experience other cultures, other people, meeting people from your own generation with a different background and point of view.
To immerse yourself in and experiment with alternatives.
Help & Change: 
After my studies in Holland, I worked for several years before embarking on a long, long trip to South America. It was during this trip that I discovered the value and the magic of volunteering.
Not only because at the right project, you can truly contribute to making a small piece of the world better, but also for the amount and diversity of people that you meet while volunteering. I found this an eye opener and I learned so much from being in another environment and meeting completely different people. It has helped me in many unforeseen ways in my life. It also lead to building and running Merazonia, a rescue and rehabilitation centre for Amazonian wildlife true to its name which I would call my biggest contribution to international development.
Work & Initiate: 
My My favourite sustainable employer (so far) is: Merazonia. Boring eh? But it is.
Though the main focus is on animal care and rehabilitation, finding sustainable ways of running a jungle based centre is a fun challenge too. It involves recycling, creating organic waste compost, experimenting with renewable energy. It is just great that people can come here and bring new ideas to the centre. Not only does it bring sustainable progress to the centre, it also keeps it a dynamic place.
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