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Ik lees een interessant artikel over het initiatief van David Katz, een ontwikkelingsondernemer uit Canada die de Plastic Bank heeft opgezet. Plastic wordt tegen een eerlijke prijs ingekocht bij verzamelers in ontwikkelingslanden, vervolgens verscheept naar westerse landen, die het recyclen voor ind...


How would your life change if your house burned down? What if you lost almost everything you owned in one snap?  January 11, 2019 (Friday)  2 blocks of streets including 50 houses in the Baseco manila were burned down, 120 families are victims and almost 400 people were affected, when we h...

General information about the Philippines: Buhay Filipinas

The Philippines Do you want to be touched by the Filipino culture and amazed by its beautiful beaches, mountains and underwater world? This is your chance!     The Philippines Lonely Planet: "The second-largest archipelago in the world, with over 7000 tropical islands, the Philippine...

Sustainability seeds and effects

Sustainability Looking back at 2017, focussing on the positive. I have been asked to talk, and sometimes even as a Keynote Speaker on Conferences. My talks are about Sustainability. I did some research and taught myself all about Sustainability. It was a journey and I would like to share that with y...

Waterfall in the Philippines

Although preparing yourself for travel is different for everyone, here are some general guidelines for your trip to The Philippines. Please feel free to add your personal advice in the Comment & Contributions section. Arrange a flight For cheap flights, it is always best to book far in adva...

Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland: zinvol of overbodig?

Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland heeft naar mijn mening niet altijd zo'n positief gevolg als vaak door Nederlanders gedacht wordt, maar is zeker ook niet altijd een project waarbij het hoogst haalbare resultaat een goed gevoel voor de vrijwilliger is.    Zelf ben ik enkele maanden als v...


CEMETERY TOUR EXPERIENCE     My most special experience during our Cemetery tour is by going to Dangwa and Manila North Cemetery , I'm so lucky because I am one of the interns who had been joining as a part of tour guiding.One of my contributions that I made is by helping our tourlead...


.... plant cutting libraries and book give away closets.  Sometimes I forget it is not normal in other countries, (there I go again, like in the Philippines), as it is normal in the Netherlands. What is normal? In a lot of places you can find small closets on the streets with either plants...


MARKET TOUR EXPERIENCE My most special experience in the market tour is when we went to the Quiapo church this was my first time to saw the original Black Nazarene and the different herbal medicines and some other stuffs that are related to the herbal medicines . I saw the fortune tellers in front o...


How to become more creative and effective? According to Tim Harfort in Messy, people with a messy desk, a chaotic diary, an inefficient office and a fighting team are more creative and effective.  How does it work? I am asking myself, while cleaning some mess from my desk.  To do lists, or...

Mabuhay vanuit Manilla!

Nu precies een week in deze Aziatische/Pacifische megastad. En wat hebben we veel gedaan en gezien! Het is mij wel duidelijk: een land vol tegenstrijdigheden. Vorige week dinsdag kwamen we aan en bracht Kirsten (de stagaire voor langere tijd) ons naar Cubao, onze hometown voor de komende tijd in Man...

Things to be grateful for....

The Philippines are with me I have been back in the Netherlands for more than a year. Now the libraries are open again and all my general "back in the Netherlands"- stuff is arranged. When you are a "new" citizen of the Netherlands again, you get a Free one year Library pass. Today, I went to t...


Het is alweer anderhalve week geleden dat ik met Rinneke terug kwam uit de Filipijnen. Het voelt als veel langer terug, omdat het zo'n totaal andere wereld is. Een maand hebben we in Manila gezeten om er vrijwilligerswerk te doen. Manila is de hoofdstad van de Filipijnen en ...


The slums of Bataan Shipping and Engineering Company Compound or simply BASECO are considered to be one of the poorest of the country. The slum and its surrounding waters are packed with litter and the smell of the waste can be overwhelming. To tackle the waste problem World Experience Philippines (...


Years ago, when I was still living in the Philippines, there was a hype about" The Danger of a single story". At least I think there was. I was sometimes so remote, just living a simple life, without any social media or other news. So a lot of things in the world, I have missed. Not that I miss...
