

Magazine showcasing the most favorite magazines shared on WorldSupporter

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Travel & Move Magazines In Spotlight
Travel & Move Supporters Favorite Magazines
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Thailand is a very popular holiday destination in Asia and has a lot to offer the traveler. Thailand is tropical, cultural, culinary and has history. In addition to the busy cities full of Buddhist temples, the wilderness is a home for special animals. You can choose to discover the whole country w...


The Philippines consists of 7,107 islands, of which only a part is inhabited. You will find many Bounty beaches and an amazing underwater world where you can snorkel with whale sharks, for example. Visit one of the small uninhabited islands and imagine yourself in paradise or climb one of the many ...

great wall

Magazine with content on travelling, working or living in China.


Learn & Develop Magazines In Spotlight

What can I find on this page? On this page, you can find a summary for all the study materials you need for the developmental specialization of the Psychology bachelor's programme at the University of Amsterdam. There is a link for all the separate courses. The courses have been organized into ...

Afbeelding: hoe kom ik er achter wat ik wil

Hoe kom je er in vredesnaam achter wat je wil doen in het leven... Sommigen gaan er bijna vanzelfsprekend doorheen en anderen lopen vast. Maar hoe je het wendt of keert, eenieder wordt geconfronteerd met levenskeuzes in haar leven. Wat wil ik doen in mijn leven? Waar word ik gelukkig van? Wat voor ...


Nu het coronavirus ervoor zorgt dat we meer thuiswerken, en minder op reis kunnen gaan (van huis naar werk, maar ook naar de andere kant van de wereld), is er meer tijd voor andere zaken. In dit Magazine komt een verzameling van tips, blogs en media te staan die je kunnen inspireren om iets positief...

Learn & Develop Supporters Favorite Magazines
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Work & Initiate Magazines In Spotlight

Series of blogs about Dutch people working and living abroad. Managing language schools in Bocas del Toro, organizing slum tours in Manila, running a tours & excursions agency in Beijing or maintaining a community based eco lodge on the northern edge of Usumbara Mountain: what do they do and why...

Work & Initiate Supporters Favorite Magazines
Latest Work & Initiate

Habits and philosophies from all around Asia

  • Habits in Japan
  • Habits in the Philippines
  • Habits in South Korea
  • Habits in Thailand

Habits in Japan Bonsai Japanese people recreate nature in miniature, this specific horticulture is called bonsai.&...