How Does Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy Work? A Systematic Review on Suggested Mechanisms of Action.Ramon Landin-Romero, R., Moreno-Alcazar, A. ,Pagani , M., Amann, B. (2018).Frontiers in Psychology EMDR is a structured eight-phase approach using standardized procedures to address the past, present, and future aspects of a traumatic memory. The traumatic memory is composed of a set of multi-sensory images, negative cognitions, negative emotions, and related unpleasant physical sensations. The EMDR therapy standard protocol includes the following preparation steps. These are: 1) History and treatment plan 2) Preparation phase with an introduction to the EMDR protocol and development of coping strategies 3) An assessment phase with visualization of an image of the traumatic incident, identification of beliefs, and emotions associated with the disturbing event, rating of disturbance recalling the traumatic incident, and rating the validity of preferred cognitions of the client. 4) The desensitization and reprocessing. The client focuses on a dual attention stimulus, while holding in mind the image, thoughts and/or sensations associated with the disturbing memory Following each brief set of bilateral stimulation, the client is asked to identify the associative information that was elicited. 5) Incorporate and strengthen a positive cognition to replace the negative cognition associated with the trauma 6) The body scan to reprocess any remaining bodily sensations. 7) The client is guided through relaxation techniques designed to re-establish emotional stability if distress has been...


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This is a bundle about the ussage and efficacy of psychotherapy. This bundle contains the literature used in the course 'DSM-5 and psychotherapy' at the third year of psychology at the University of Amsterdam.