Objective methods of personality assessment typically contain short-answer items for which the person being assessed needs to select a response. The answers of questions is indicative for the presence or absence of a personality trait. However, these methods are prone to response biases and the content of the items can be guided by theory. The sign approach states that test responses are deemed to be signs or clues to underlying personality or ability. The sample approach states that behaviour is to be interpreted in light of a trait of interest. An advantage of the sign approach is that the client might become aware of feelings that one was not previously aware of. Behavioural assessment refers to what a person does in situations rather than on inferences about what attributes this person has. In traditional approaches to assessment, data is used to diagnose and classify, whereas in behavioural approaches to assessment, data is used to describe targeted behaviours and maintaining conditions usually for the purpose of selecting specific therapeutic conditions. In traditional assessment, an individual’s behavioural history is afforded great weight (i.e. it is seen as predictive of future behaviour). In behavioural approaches, behavioural history provides a baseline information relevant to an individual’s learning history. There are several questions that can be asked in behavioural assessment:WhoThis refers to the question of who the assessee and who the assessor is. In behavioural assessment, the assessee can be the assessor (e.g. diaries). WhatThis refers to the question of what is being measured in the behavioural assessment. This typically constitutes of targeted behaviour which is measurable (e.g. amount of times face touched). WhenThis refers to the question of when the assessment of behaviour is made. Assessment of behaviour is typically made at times when the problem behaviour is most likely to be elicited (e.g. during lunch...

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WorldSupporter Resources
Psychological Assessment – Article summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

Psychological Assessment – Article summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


This bundle contains a summary for all the articles for the course "Psychological Assessment" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following articles:

  • “Luteijn & Barelds (2019). Psychological diagnostics in health care.” 
  • “Gregory (2014). Origins of psychological testing.” 
  • “Wright (2011). The hypothesis testing model.”
  • “Wright (2011). Clinical interviewing and hypothesis building.” 
  • “Barelds (2016). Measuring personality.”
  • “Cohen (2013). Personality assessment: An overview.”
  • “Cohen (2018). Personality assessment methods.”
  • “Kessels & Luteijn (2019). Intelligence and intelligence tests.”
  • “Verhoeven (2014). Test administration, measurements and scoring.” 
  • “Cohen (2018). Assessment, careers, and business.” 
  • “Folkman (2004). “Coping: Pitfalls and promise.” 
  • “Latham (2012). Values:
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Psychological Assessment – Interim exam 1 summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

Psychological Assessment – Interim exam 1 summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


This bundle contains the articles and lectures for the first interim exam of the course "Psychological Assessment" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following materials:

- Lecture 1 (Wright (2011); Gregory (2014); Bijttebier et al. (2019).
- Lecture 2 (Wright (2011).
- Lecture 3 (Barelds (2016); Cohen (2013); Cohen (2018).
- Lecture 4 (Verhoeven (2014); Kessel (2019).
- Lecture 5 (Cohen (2018); Folkman (2004); Latham (2012); Schaufeli (2009). 

Psychological Assessment – Course summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

Psychological Assessment – Course summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


This bundle contains the articles and lectures for the course "Psychological Assessment" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following materials:

Interim exam 1: 

- Lecture 1 (Wright (2011); Gregory (2014); Bijttebier et al. (2019).
- Lecture 2 (Wright (2011).
- Lecture 3 (Barelds (2016); Cohen (2013); Cohen (2018).
- Lecture 4 (Verhoeven (2014); Kessel (2019).
- Lecture 5 (Cohen (2018); Folkman (2004); Latham (2012); Schaufeli (2009). 

Interim exam 2:

- Lecture 1: De Vogel, Van den Broek, & de Vries (2014); Hanson & Morton-Bourgon (2005).
- Lecture 2: Verhulp, Stevens, Van de Schoot, & Vollebergh (2013)

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