The presenting problem (i.e. referral question) refers to determining in what way an individual’s functioning is impaired. The nature of this problem often becomes apparent through the process of the clinical interview (1), the collection of background information (2) and clinical observations (3). The clinical interview consists of the presenting problem (1), a symptomatic evaluation (2) and a psychosocial evaluation (3). The presenting problem includes whatever complaint the individual identifies as the reason for the assessment. The presenting problem can be straight-forward but can also be unclear because of numerous factors. A detailed history of the presenting problem (e.g. when it began, precipitating events, etc) needs to be developed. This can include using previous assessments. Symptomatic evaluation refers to the symptomatic and medical features of what may be impairing the client’s functioning (i.e. the specific symptoms). To obtain a full symptomatic evaluation, the developmental history (1), medical history (2) and substance use history (3) needs to be obtained. The developmental history includes information about the early developmental environment (1), significant events during childhood (2) and childhood behavioural problems (3). The psychiatric history, the history of psychiatric symptoms and treatments, is extremely important for understanding the course of the individual’s problems. Alcohol/substance use history refers to the history of any potential substance use and this should be discussed, even if the use was not with regards to an addiction. The attitudes about using or quitting any substances need to be obtained. Medical history includes information about serious medical illnesses, hospitalizations and medication use. Temporal changes in medical history and in the present problem and symptomology are important. It is also relevant to ask about the family medical and psychiatric history because of a potential...

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WorldSupporter Resources
Psychological Assessment – Article summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

Psychological Assessment – Article summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


This bundle contains a summary for all the articles for the course "Psychological Assessment" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following articles:

  • “Luteijn & Barelds (2019). Psychological diagnostics in health care.” 
  • “Gregory (2014). Origins of psychological testing.” 
  • “Wright (2011). The hypothesis testing model.”
  • “Wright (2011). Clinical interviewing and hypothesis building.” 
  • “Barelds (2016). Measuring personality.”
  • “Cohen (2013). Personality assessment: An overview.”
  • “Cohen (2018). Personality assessment methods.”
  • “Kessels & Luteijn (2019). Intelligence and intelligence tests.”
  • “Verhoeven (2014). Test administration, measurements and scoring.” 
  • “Cohen (2018). Assessment, careers, and business.” 
  • “Folkman (2004). “Coping: Pitfalls and promise.” 
  • “Latham (2012). Values:
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Psychological Assessment – Interim exam 1 summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

Psychological Assessment – Interim exam 1 summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


This bundle contains the articles and lectures for the first interim exam of the course "Psychological Assessment" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following materials:

- Lecture 1 (Wright (2011); Gregory (2014); Bijttebier et al. (2019).
- Lecture 2 (Wright (2011).
- Lecture 3 (Barelds (2016); Cohen (2013); Cohen (2018).
- Lecture 4 (Verhoeven (2014); Kessel (2019).
- Lecture 5 (Cohen (2018); Folkman (2004); Latham (2012); Schaufeli (2009). 

Psychological Assessment – Course summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

Psychological Assessment – Course summary [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]


This bundle contains the articles and lectures for the course "Psychological Assessment" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following materials:

Interim exam 1: 

- Lecture 1 (Wright (2011); Gregory (2014); Bijttebier et al. (2019).
- Lecture 2 (Wright (2011).
- Lecture 3 (Barelds (2016); Cohen (2013); Cohen (2018).
- Lecture 4 (Verhoeven (2014); Kessel (2019).
- Lecture 5 (Cohen (2018); Folkman (2004); Latham (2012); Schaufeli (2009). 

Interim exam 2:

- Lecture 1: De Vogel, Van den Broek, & de Vries (2014); Hanson & Morton-Bourgon (2005).
- Lecture 2: Verhulp, Stevens, Van de Schoot, & Vollebergh (2013)

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