Personality disordersChapter 7(part of) The narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders Histrionic personality disorder and gender Histrionic PD is a predominantly female disorder. Histrionic personality disorder as seen through assessment instruments People with histrionic PD have an elevation on a mania scale, ad a lower score on social introversion. These findings are characteristic of more energetic, expansive individuals who are not bothered by uneasiness or shyness in social situations. Histrionic PD is characterized by a lower trait level of altruism, and on the facet level, elevated scores on gregariousness, feelings, warmth, and tendermindedness. This suggests and emotionally expressive, outgoing person who is also self-centred and rather superficially engaged in relationships. Treatment issues The course and prognosis of histrionic PD will largely depend on its severity and comorbidity. More extreme versions will be harder to treat. When concurrent features of antisocial PD and narcissistic PD are present, treatment gains will be harder to achieve. ...

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Dit is een bundel met samenvattingen van artikelen en boeken over persoonlijkheidsproblematiek. De samenvattingen reiken van e verklaringsmodellen tot (mogelijke) behandeling. In deze bundel staat alles wat nodig is voor het vak Persoonlijkheidsproblematiek in het derde jaar van psychologie aan de UvA.