60% americans play video games (~90% between ages of 2 and 17)Potential: people already spend a lot of time gaming- there could be benefits: training, simulation, increase behavior, increase motivation...Different categories of games: Serious games: skills and knowledge based- e.g.: simulator games --> pilots taught to fly Gamification: use of gaming elements in non-games- e.g.: Wii Fit -- fitness exercise but it's almost like a game.-e.g.2: Ticket vending machine in Moscow that gives a ticket if you do ten squats in front of the machineGaming elements:-Reward systemFast and frequent feedback - form of operant conditioningUncertainty - e.g.: gambling relies on uncertainty and that is what makes it addictiveReward scheduling: example: give reward in the beginning and later only 50% of the time, after that increase reward againLink rewards: e.g.: if you collect 17 coins, you can buy an itemAnticipation: if you get 130 Magicarp, then you can trade it to one Gyarados in Pokemon Go-AdaptivityDifficulty: it is better to start easy and then get more difficult, than start off difficultTime pressureProgressFlow: you loose sense of time and space because you are so engaged: happens when high challange is met with high skill- Social factorscompetitive feelingsocial facilitation"your friend passed you on the leaderboard!"creates community and social supportmore engaging-ContextStoryImmersion (e.g.: music)Identity (heart rate goes up when you can choose and see your character) Cognitive enhancement: can videogames enhance cognitive functioning?Two types of games that can enhance cognitive functioning Cognitive training: use it or lose it! -Train working memory --> N-back Task shown a stream of letters and you have to indicate if it is the same you saw N places...

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