Fill in the blanks: Memory interference for advertisements and brands is mainly caused by ... and ...similar products; different contextsdifferent products; similar contextsdifferent products; different contextssimilar products; similar contexts When you hear the slogan, “I’m lovin’ it”, you immediately think of McDonald’s. You remember that the McDonald’s logo is made up of two “golden arches”. What kind of memory are you retrieving?Episodic memorySemantic memoryProcedural memoryBrand memory Fear-arousing appeals are most effective when....The threat is sufficiently attention-grabbingThere is a recommended action to address the threatIndividuals perceive the threat as highly likely to occurIndividuals are primed with an approach-oriented goal Both the information processing model of McGuire (1968) and the Cognitive Response Model (Greenwald, 1968) have a problem that the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) and Heuristic Systematic Model (Chaiken, 1980) solve. What is that problem?That peripheral/heuristic processing is required for behavior changeThat cognition is centrally important for behavior changeThat central/systematic processing is required for behavior changeThat affect is centrally important for behavior change When product information in advertising is congruent with one’s self-schema:Persuasion depends on strong argumentsThis motivates the consumer to process information more fullyAnswers a. and b. are both trueAnswers a. and b. are both untrue ...

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